Ofertas Transport

Transport to and from any medical centre in Hawera

If anyone is needing a lift to and from any medical center within Hawera let me know, I don't mind waiting. A text or call the day before would be appreciated. I'm reliable, I hold a full license and my car has a current WOF. 02041465605

Tareas domésticas Hāwera south taranaki Transport Help at Home Errands / Shopping

Airport pick ups and drops offs north

If you ever need picked up or dropped off I am happy to do so - I am in north taranaki. Email me with date and time and I will see if I am available!

Otros Transport north taranaki

Climate Action Now - a community gathering for a just future
Oferta grupal

Have you always wanted to be part of the solution, to build a just future for all, and realise that you can’t do it alone? If the answers are yes, then join us at our wānanga aimed to mobilise the community and grow climate action collectively. Climate Action Now will be a free, all day event with speakers and workshops focusing on some of the issues and solutions identified in Toitū Taranaki 2030. Our keynote speakers will be Prof Bronwyn Hayward, University of Canterbury, and iwi leader Mike Smith of Ngāpuhi and Ngāti Kahu. There will be three interactive workshops on: 1) energy and transport, 2) agriculture, food resilience and reforestation, 3) political and social transformation, education and mobilisation. More details are available on Climate Justice Taranaki website.

Otros Kai Resilience Community Activities Education Community Projects science climate change economics energy Transport reforestation

Recados en bici (x bdn i rodalies)

M'agrada molt la bici, no em fa res portar coses (petites/mitjanes) amunt i avall. Si es per Bdn encantat

Tareas administrativas Transport

Whangarei & Kaitaia Accommodation

I have family houses in Whangarei and Kaitaia. I offer accommodation and request a ride to go there with you for the duration of your stay. Whatever the time and how long you want to stay is OK, just text me. One day's notice is enough! This offer never expires. I have a computer problem so can only communicate via text.

Otros Transport Recreation Transport - Long Distance Holiday / Overnight Accommodation

E-Bike, great quality, big frame, old-ish battery

Selling my trusted E-Bike because I cannot use it on the gravel roads up here. Would be very suitable to whizz around town. Here's the link to the TradeMe ad, lots more detail: https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/marketplace/sports/cycling/electric-bikes/listing/3999489191?bof=4IfK8c4t  Will do a special price for Timebank folk! :)

Otros Transport For Sale

Transport between Kerikeri and Kaitāia in private car

We are currently having to take relatively regular trips between Kerikeri and Kaitāia and can offer  transport for smallish items / objects etc   

Otros Transport

help with organizing trips, holidays etc.

Are you planning to go away for a few days on a trip, holiday or to visit relatives but are a bit overwhelmed as to how to get there, how to book it and how not to end up broke? I have successfully organized several trips through Europe for groups of up to 20 people and always enjoy getting the details of my own trips right, including the budget. I am familiar with a lot of online booking systems so we could get those tickets sorted for you straight away.

Otros Transport Recreation Travel

Rotorua transport to/from or taking something to/from New Plymouth

I travel to and from Rotorua approx monthly and can provide transport for someone for something.  Yell out if I can help

Otros Transport Recreation Transport – Long Distance Travel Car pooling

Airport/Hospital Transfers to/from South Taranaki

It can be hard to get around here if you don't have a car available.  I'm an ex taxi driver, based in Hawera, with a reliable car available for pick ups and drop off at the airport or hospital.  I'll meet you off your flight, drive you to a local doctor's appointment, or take you to Taranaki Base Hospital to see your specialist.  I've even been known to drive to Hamilton to bring someone home from there.  You pay for the fuel and I'll get you where you need to go.

Otros Transport Transport – Local Transport – Long Distance Medical

Personal Assistant to meet your needs..........

I've had many Procedures and Operations. Supported someone recently to and from Hospital. Stayed in their Household to mind Child and Pets. Also stayed with someone in her Home while she unwell. Have Vehicle for Transport long or short trips -  Got an idea approach me.

Otros Transport Transport – Local Medical

Running Errands in Hāwera

I am available to assist if you need something picked up or dropped off in and around Hāwera. Shopping, take you to an appointment, drop kids to school, kohanga etc. if you are unwell. I have flexibility as I work mostly from home but some notice would be helpful. 

Otros Transport Companionship Errands / Shopping Transport – Local Medical Errands

Hand cycles

We have two different types of handcycles for you to borrow. If you unable to ride a standard bicycle due to limited use of your legs or balance issues these would be perfect for you to still get out there cycling.   See the images below for the two that we have available. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.   

Otros Transport Health & Wellbeing Recreation Transport – Local Fitness & Exercise Sports

Transports, compres grans(rentadores, etc.)

Tinc una furgo (Renault Kangoo) i podem transportar mobles voluminosos, mudances, compres grans (rentadores, etc.)

Acompañamiento acompanyament cotxe vehicle Transport Conduir mudança furgoneta

Llistat d'Etiquetes per a les Ofertes

ATENCIÓ A LES PERSONES: acompanyament, allotjament, companyia, cotxe, laboral, malalts, mediació, transport ANIMALS: animals CURA del COS i SALUT: cosmètica, creixement personal, depilació, educació, estètica, expressió corporal, gimnàstica, infermeria, manicura, maquillatge, massatges, maternitat, meditació, metge, pedicura, perruqueria, psicologia, relaxació, salut, teràpia ENGINYERIA: enginyeria ESPORTS: esports INFORMÀTICA: àudio, blogs, disseny, informàtica, internet, ofimàtica, programari, vídeo, webs, xarxes socials TASQUES ADMINISTRATIVES: administració, comercial, declaració Renda, encàrrecs, escriure, finances, textos TASQUES DOMÈSTIQUES: bricolatge, cosir, cuinar, decoració, electricitat, electrònica, fusteria, gestions, hort, jardineria, interiorisme, lampisteria, mecànica, mobles, netejar, paleta, persianes, pintar, plantes, planxar, reparacions, roba, trasllats PER APRENDRE: agricultura, alimentació, art, assessorament, assignatures, astrologia, classes, dibuix, dietètica, ecologia, escriptura, ganxet, llengües, mitja, música, nutrició, parapsicologia, pedagogia, pintura artística, tarot, veganisme, vegeterianisme PER DIVERTIR-SE: cultura, dansa, festes, fotografia, jocs, màgia, manualitats, museus, natura, sortides, trobades, viatges

Otros Acompanyament Administració Agricultura Alimentació Allotjament Animals Art Assessorament Assignatures Astrologia Àudio Blogs Bricolatge Classes Comercial Companyia Cosir Cosmètica Cotxe Creixement Personal Cuinar Cultura Dansa Declaració Renda Decoració Depilació Dibuix Dietètica Disseny Ecologia Educació Electricitat Electrònica Encàrrecs Enginyeria Escriptura Escriure Esports Estètica Expressió Corporal Festes Finances Fotografia Fusteria Ganxet Gestions Gimnàstica Hort Infermeria Informàtica Interiorisme Internet Jardineria Jocs Laboral Lampisteria Llengües Malalts Manicura Manualitats Maquillatge Màgia Massatges Maternitat Mecànica Mediació Meditació Metge Mitja Mobles Museus Música Netejar Natura Nutrició Ofimàtica Paleta Parapsicologia Pedagogia Pedicura Perruqueria Persianes Pintar Pintura Artística Plantes Planxar Programari Psicologia Relaxació Reparacions Roba Salut Sortides Tarot Teràpia Textos Transport Trasllats Trobades Veganisme Vegetarianisme Viatges Vídeo Webs Xarxes Socials

Transport en furgoneta

Disposo de furgoneta gran (allargada i sobreelevada), podeu utilitzar-la amb el meu servei de conductor.

Acompañamiento Cotxe Acompanyament Transport Trasllats


Puc fer de taxista. Et porto en el meu cotxe on necessitis, les despeses de viatge a part, ho pactem abans.

Otros Transport transporte


Puc acompanyar a fer encarrecs en cotxe o portar-te on necessitis.

Otros Transport transporte


Alguns dimecres i divendres vaig a Girona. L´horari és variable.

Otros Transport transporte


Acompanyo en cotxe a Girona o a altres pobles de l'entorn.

Otros Transport transporte


Te llevo en coche dentro de Blanes o en sus alrededores. Viajo mucho para la zona del Baix Empordà (Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Platja d'Aro, Palamós...)

Otros Transport transporte

Ajudar a fer algun transport

Ajudar a fer algun transport

Acompañamiento Transport

Transports petits (entre setmana)

Tareas domésticas Transport transportes

Transportista amb cotxe

Acompañamiento Cotxe Xofer Transport Conductora

Transportista amb cotxe

Acompañamiento Xofer Cotxe Transport Conductor