
Grup de criança

Sóc mare d'un bebe d'un mes. Estic buscant mares i pares interessats en formar un petit grup de criança al poble. Es tracta de trobar-se un matí entre setmana per compartir experiencies i acompanyar-nos mutuament en aquesta vivència, que d'altra banda pot ser bastant solitària. Sense lideratges ni compromisos Per falta d'un local public adequat, la proposta seria trobar-nos en les cases del les propies famílies que ho vulguin. Ofereixo la meva per començar. NO HI HAURIA INTERCANVI D'HORES. Si esteu interessats truqueu-me directament i en parlem



We live on a farm in Takahue, if it suits anyone to drop their kids here for a couple of hours I'm happy to keep an eye on them. We have 2 boys 6 and 2 years old for them to play with. Their interests include Pokémon, Lego, painting and drawing, soccer, being silly and playing outside. I am also happy to do casual evening sits at peoples places (locally) from time to time if you need it. 

Caregiving Help At Home Child Care

Assessoria de lactancia i porteig

Sóc asserora de lactancia i porteig. M'ofereixo per assessorar en aquests temes a les veïnes que ho necessitin





Kaitaia - Childminding
Group offer

I can look after your children here at our property for a few hours as needed. My own children are 2, 4 and 6 and enjoy playing with other children. We have a large, safe property and outside area for the children to play and explore.

Caregiving Community Service kaitaia


El Casal Claret som presents i treballem en l’àmbit de l’acció social a Vic i a Osona. Creem i impulsem espais i projectes personals/comunitaris transformadors d’acollida, capacitació, enxarxament i convivència. Animem un “espai-casa” on ens trobem, acollim i acompanyem persones de procedències i cultures diverses en situació d’exclusió social. Oferim un servei comunitari complementari a la medicina tradicional. Oferim 1 plaça per a un tractament d'acupuntura de mitja hora setmanal dimecres a la tarda. Per a la primera sessió, cal demanar hora amb 10-15 dies d'antel·lació. A partir de la primera visita, es conversarà amb l'acupuntora per acordar el número de visites necessàries.

Caregiving salut benestar acupuntura medicina tradicional xinesa cures


Serveis puntuals de fisioteràpia sense desplaçament a domicili.

Caregiving fisioteràpia

Cadira de rodes

Tinc cadira de redes per deixar



Tinte Corte Moldear

Caregiving tinte corte moldear

Cura de persones en centres hospitalaris

Caregiving cura hospitals

Kakaramea - Childminding at an outdoor, immersive play, nature focussed, life learning property

My background with children has consisted of 4 years as a passionate Playcentre Mum, leaving as the Patron of Hawera PC (2002-2006). 8 years as a Learning Assistant at Tawhiti while my daughter was there, and then 6 years at Kakaramea Primary after I married a local. Happy to host children at our property, come and check it out and have a chat

Caregiving Child Care Caregiving


I've previously worked with children both pre-schoolers and school aged children, I enjoy taking them on adventures and helping them discover the world! As well as previously running holiday programmes and children's beach education sessions I also have advanced first aid and am a surf lifeguard.   Happy to head out for a walk/play or to hang out with them at your house :) Get in touch if you might be interested in meeting up with me to see if I might be able to help out while you have some down time/ date night/ perhaps clean the house without interruptions! 

Caregiving Help at Home Child Care