Peening your scythe
I got a peening jig and can make your old scythe cut those tough grasses again.
I got a peening jig and can make your old scythe cut those tough grasses again.
I am experienced in most varieties of fruit trees to make good crops. I have my own tools. Happy to teach you as I go.
I have worms available, bring your own 2lt container in exchange for 2 time credits. Please phone me as I am visually challenged.
I have vermicast available. Please bring your own 2lt container in exchange for 2 time credits. Please phone me as I am visually challenged.
I have a large number that I have just thinned out ready for the taking. A few different varieties that give those magnificent brilliant flowers and a jolly hard to kill
Was given a variety of succulents and have more than I need. Would anyone like to have some…
I’ve got more pale pink crinum lily plants than I need… the plants are mostly small in size, but if you’re really keen for a larger one you can come and dig one out! There are also plenty of seeds/fruit(?) available and more easily transportable. Please take some!!!!
In the garden free to a new home if you come and dig it out. Or for timecredits if I have to dig it out!
I have lots of strawberries to exchange for time, I’m only 7 min away from Kaitaia centre.
Free cut collect and create natural items. There is plenty to share.
I have avail for TTB hours or swap: Bilbourgia plants (queens Tears); Aloe Vera; Jade money plants; Red or Yellow Capsicum seedlings; Eggplant seedlings; silverbeet seedlings
Whangarei - The irises have gone but I have a few potted totara seedlings and hundreds of little totara seedlings all through my paths and gardens. If anyone is interested in bulk, I can carefully extract them.
Tens intenció de posar en marxa un hort però no ho tens clar? No pateixis, jo et puc ajudar alhora de decidir què plantaràs i asssorar-te en les feines que caldrà fer.
Requieres ayuda para mantener tu jardin, trasplantar o mantenimiento estoy disponible para ayudar.
🌱És el meu ofici de fa bastants anys, faig poda de tot tipus d arbres🌳, desbrossat, manteniment i neteja de jardins🍃, alguna noció en sistemes de reg, qualsevol tasca que impliqui treballar amb vegetals o entorns naturals. Disposo de les eines per dur a terme les tasques, però no les presto, van amb mi i jo amb elles.😊
I have several spare Fennell plants to give away. Plus black boy peach trees. all good healthy plants. There are Kowhai and Maple seedlings to go.
Marxes uns dies de vacances, de viatge, a ajudar a algun familiar etc... i no saps a qui deixar la cura de les teves plantes? Si ens les portes, a la llar, en tindrem cura fins que tornis.
Asesoramiento en temas de decoración de jardin. Atraves de un boceto puedo ayudar a organizar la posición ornamental de las plantas y objetos decorativos.
Voldria oferir jardineria natural i gestió d'aigua doméstica i de finca.
I have a larger cadre of worm helpers that do not mind translocating to seed more of their kind in your garden/compost/worm farm... Bring your own l/m/s container and you can get some...and I can give tips if needed...