
Banana Circle Workshop - Pukepoto, Kaitaia

Wed 25th Oct, 10am-12 Come and be a part of a hands-on workshop to turn a hole and surrounding berm into a flourishing productive banana circle with lemongrass, ginger and turmeric too. Bring gloves, a spade and something for a shared kai afterwards. Please try to car pool as driveway is really bad and parking limited. Let me know if you’re coming please

Garden Garden Kaitaia food resilience permaculture

New Plymouth: wormy worms

I have a larger cadre of worm helpers that do not mind translocating to seed more of their kind in your garden/compost/worm farm... Bring your own l/m/s container and you can get some...and I can give tips if needed...

Garden Garden Crop Swap Taranaki gardening Kai Resilience

Hāwera - Seed planting for Spring and Summer crops. Take them home with you, or trade time for me to care for the seedling until they're ready to plant into YOUR garden.

Join me to plant seeds for Spring and Summer crops and take them home with you, or trade time for me to care for the seedling until they're ready to plant into YOUR garden. We can hang out in my greenhouse and use my home-made seed raising mix and you can bring your own seed or choose from a selection of mine. Michelle

Garden Help at Home Garden Kai Resilience

Servicio de jardinería

Garden Jardineria