Offers permaculture

Banana Circle Workshop - Pukepoto, Kaitaia

Wed 25th September, 10am-12pm Come and be a part of a hands-on workshop to turn a hole and surrounding berm into a flourishing productive banana circle with lemongrass, ginger and turmeric too. Bring gloves, a spade and something for a shared kai afterwards. Please try to car pool as driveway is really bad and parking limited. Let me know if you’re coming please

Garden Garden Kaitaia food resilience permaculture

Kaitaia - lessons on how to make EM1 - bokashi starter

I make my own and am willing to teach others how to make your own starter from rice water and milk. Phone me for more information.

Consulting Education permaculture Garden

Kaitaia - lessons on how to build/set up worm farms or bokashi bins

Hi, I love my garden and am passionate about passing on knowledge on resilience and self sustainability and hence am offering to help others learn how to build/set up worm farms or bokashi bins. Please ring me for further information.

Consulting Garden permaculture Education resilience

Kaitaia - vermivast available

I have vermicast available. Please bring your own 2lt container in exchange for 2 time credits. Please phone me as I am visually challenged.

Other Garden permaculture

Kaitaia - Tiger worms available

I have worms available, bring your own 2lt container in exchange for 2 time credits. Please phone me as I am visually challenged.

Other Garden permaculture