Offers south taranaki

Hāwera - Jars for sauce, relish and jam

I have a box of sauce jars - some wider mouthed that had pasta sauce in and some more traditional. Also 14 jam jars. Am in Hawera and could drop off locally, if you have no transport.

Health & Wellbeing Kai Resilience Food south taranaki Hāwera

Tutoring Ōkato or online: Highschool Chemistry, Physics, Calculus, Algebra, Statistics, Human anatomy and Physiology, Biology

I can offer Tutoring services for high school children in: - Chemistry, - Physics, - Calculus, - Algebra, - Statistics, - Human anatomy and - Physiology, Biology In person in Ōkato or email to discuss potential online tutoring depending on needs.

Lessons Tutoring / Mentoring science okato south taranaki