Offers Tutoring / Mentoring

Eco and Permaculture Design - urban, rural, school, community groups, bio regional scale

Site assessment visits, 1 - 2 hours with you discussing your ideas, reading the landscape and your situation   Simple concept sketches to more complex designs, your project stages, budgets etc   Garden design focusing on edible landscapes, annual gardens, orchard and food forest areas, small animal systems Far North tree recommendations; timber, fruit, nut, shelter, natives, flowering hedgerows, best species, varietys, propagation info  Fruit tree pruning for natural form and high yield Native environments, stream care Weed action, strategies; organic and large scale options Perennial edible plant material available Bioregional whole landscape scale, landcare Kaitiakitanga in action   Building and renovation ideas - simple, practical Far North living, solar design, earth building methods, eco design   Hosting interested people at our place for an hours tour through to live-in working experience    Permaculture whole property design - low-maintenance and energy saving, smart access layout, driveways, water, energy, building sites, budgets Learnscaping environmental school projects - practical collaborative student, teacher and community design and implementation    I am passionate about creating harmonious and productive spaces to enjoy living and working in. I have over 30 years practical experience and offer Eco and Permaculture Design for small urban sections to large land areas. Give me a ring to discuss your project.

Consulting Education Help at Home Community Activities Tutoring / Mentoring Group Projects

New Plymouth: Whole food cooking - can teach with dairy-free, grain-free, refined sugar-free, vegan, raw, garden to plate

I like to create, cook and experiment with real food, whilst making things simple and achievable for people to do in their own homes. My style is whole food, plant based, seasonal garden to plate. I can help those with allergies, health conditions or just folk who like tasty nutritious food!  

Food / Drink Help at Home Health & Wellbeing Education Cooking / Baking Diet & Nutrition Tutoring / Mentoring

Tutoring Ōkato or online: Highschool Chemistry, Physics, Calculus, Algebra, Statistics, Human anatomy and Physiology, Biology

I can offer Tutoring services for high school children in: - Chemistry, - Physics, - Calculus, - Algebra, - Statistics, - Human anatomy and - Physiology, Biology In person in Ōkato or email to discuss potential online tutoring depending on needs.

Lessons Tutoring / Mentoring science okato south taranaki

Ōpunake - Tutoring NCEA Level 1-3 English

Tutoring in English by retired high school teacher. Literacy, NCEA, study skills. One hour sessions at tutor’s home in Opunake township.

Lessons Tutoring / Mentoring

New Plymouth - Any help and anything related to education and support.

• Any help (garden, dog walk, house shifting, or need a hand) in and around Frankliegh Park. • Happy to help kids in Intermediate and secondary school level in subjects like Mathematics, Science and NCEA level subject selection • Also, involved in Adult Literacy programs and happy to offer any help (as a mentor)

Lessons Education ,Community Activities Tutoring / Mentoring Help at Home

Get Better at Public Speaking
Group offer

I'm a member of the Ashburton Toastmasters club, and we are a small and friendly club. While access to the Toastmasters International public speaking training programme and resources cost money (around $5 a week with club fees), you can come to club meetings as a guest for free to try it out. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month in the Doris Linton lounge of the Ashburton RSA (12 Cox st).

Lessons Tutoring / Mentoring

Spanish conversation or tutoring

Hi there, I'd like to offer Spanish conversation and/or tutoring to the community. I'm not a native speaker but have a high level of written and spoken Spanish. I also have several years of teaching English as a second language experience to draw from. Happy to meet at my place in Takahue or around Kaitaia or video chat. Oscar is a native speaker and happy to help also.          

Lessons Education Arts / Crafts / Music Languages / Translation Tutoring / Mentoring Classes & Tuition

Health coaching, specialising in Diabetes T1 & T2 Fatigue & autoimmune disorders

If you have a chronic health condition I use a highly successful model for managing your journey to healing and wellness. I've lived with multiple chronic illnesses over the years and have lived the practices which I teach. The Integral model offers the broadest possible view of illness/wellness which means tapping into both inner and external resources, multiple healing modalities, support systems in the community and offered through various systems and can be used to address any illness. The potential for wellness is huge. It is all pretty simple and can be done according to each person's capacity. I work using the Zoom platform so no travel needed. 

Health & Wellbeing Health & Wellbeing Education Counselling Diet & Nutrition Tutoring / Mentoring

Project Support

Available to facilitate goal achievement via mentoring, coaching or simply sounding boarding.

Health & Wellbeing Health & Wellbeing Education Counselling Tutoring / Mentoring


Do you need someone to talk things over with? I'm available to provide a listening ear.

Health & Wellbeing Health & Wellbeing Education Tutoring / Mentoring Life coaching Counselling

General Computer help and lessons

I can tidy up your computer files for you or even teach you basic lessons - Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, installing applications.  Just give me a call 027 532 5575 if I am unable to answer your call and I will get back to you    

Lessons Education Classes / Workshops Technology Tutoring / Mentoring

Hāwera/online: Magic: The Gathering 101

I've been playing Magic The Gathering for 4 years now.  It can look confusing if you are new to the game, and it is confusing! but I'm happy to show you how to get started with basic strategies. Thanks, Agape  

Lessons Education Computers / Technology Tutoring / Mentoring

Hāwera or online: Rumaki Reo - Māori Language Planning

To become fluent in te reo you need to have total immersion experiences. I recently attended a wānanga whakarauora reo where I learned why rumaki reo wā/wāhi (total immersion times and spaces) are vital to become fluent in te reo. Join me for session or two to get planning for you, your whānau, marae or workplace etc. to support the use of te reo Māori. Please note: These sessions are not for learning the language, it for developing total immersion strategies.  Do get to a wānanga whakarauora reo if you can. Learn from experts. I am happy to help you get started. Kia kaha tātou ki te kōrero Māori i ngā wā katoa, i ngā wāhi katoa.        

Lessons Education Languages / Translation Tutoring / Mentoring

Guidance on Running a Blog and/or Creating Other Digital Content

Ever wanted to run a blog/create digital content or need them for your organisation? I'm happy to offer some time on tips on what you can do next from where you are right now. This can be in person in Hāwera or can be through Skype/Zoom/Facebook video.   This is not a paid-for offer. No money will be exchanged. I am offering time to help you with your strategy, ideas and your own personal execution to help you grow. If there is a quite a bit of interest in services beyond this post I will make note of it and create a new offer in addition to this with the essential disclaimer. I value transparency and I value your privacy.

Lessons Education Business Services Tutoring / Mentoring Marketing

Drawing lessons and coaching for beginners.

Basic skills; Introductory pencil drawing classes and one on one guidance. 

Lessons Classes / Workshops Tutoring / Mentoring Lessons