Climate Action Now - a community gathering for a just future

Have you always wanted to be part of the solution, to build a just future for all, and realise that you can’t do it alone? If the answers are yes, then join us at our wānanga aimed to mobilise the community and grow climate action collectively.

Climate Action Now will be a free, all day event with speakers and workshops focusing on some of the issues and solutions identified in Toitū Taranaki 2030.

Our keynote speakers will be Prof Bronwyn Hayward, University of Canterbury, and iwi leader Mike Smith of Ngāpuhi and Ngāti Kahu. There will be three interactive workshops on:

1) energy and transport, 2) agriculture, food resilience and reforestation, 3) political and social transformation, education and mobilisation. More details are available on Climate Justice Taranaki website.

This Offer belongs to Taranaki Timebank.