Requests Community Activities

Hawera; toiletries for gift bags to rest homes/womans refuge

Our upsewing group have made some fabulous toiletry bags & I’d love to fill them with goodies to send to Patea Resthome in the next couple weeks. If you have any hotel soaps, shampoos, skincare sample sachets, face wipes, or anything else you can think of …..happy to trade 1hr timecredit for few items :) Can pickup around South Taranaki

Health & Wellbeing Te Hāwera Community Activities

*Sisonke Africa Day Celebration - New Plymouth*
Group request

Sisonke is a newly formed African Community group. Are you a keen recycler and know the difference between Landfil 🟥, Recycling 🟨, and Composting 🟩 bins, then Sisonke would like to request your help for supervising our refuse station. Training will be provided if you are not familiar with the above. The celebration takes place on this Saturday, 25 May from 11am to 4pm at La Mere Lounge, New Plymouth Raceway. Each shift will be 2 hours, but if you only have an hour to spare then that would be good too. Come and enjoy all things African. Free food to volunteers, $5 to public. Be adventurous and try out different African cuisines on the day. There will also be African entertainment and games and much, much more. Please feel free to get in touch.

Other New Plymouth Events Food Cleanup Sustainability Education Entertainment Community Activities two hours Clean-up / Recycling volunteer Socializing Dancing

Kaeo - volunteers/helpers for our two community gardens

We have two community gardens in Kaeo and are always grateful for help. Both gardens are producing food and there is always some goodies to take home. Our gardens: Mangamanihi road - our gardening time is Fridays from 3pm til 5pm (this has also a food forest surrounding with loads of fruit trees!) Pupuke- te huia marae road- we garden on Saturdats from 10am til 12pm Both gardens are quite different and have a huge potential to feed us (and you) and the community!

Other community garden Kaeo food resilience Community Activities gardening Voluneering

Kaitaia - Volunteers for our regular Repair Cafe event

We are always looking for more people with skills that can support our regular Repair Cafe event on the last Saturday of the month. Mechanics, carpentry, electronics, appliances, textile mending, general tinkering, cup of tea making, baking for morning tea - we'd love to hear from you if you're keen to help the community fix their items & keep them in the loop. Contact us via the Kaitaia Eco Centre or our email, or just come along and say hi on the last Saturday of the month 10.30-12.30 at Menz Shed, 22 Church Road.

Other Community Activities Upcycling Crafts learning Other Repairs

NP; Food Service Volunteers

On The House is a charitable organisation reducing food waste and getting good, surplus kai to those whom need it. We operate bi-weekly popup frees stores direct to the public on Mondays and Thursdays with volunteer shifts running for an average of 2.5 hours between 2pm and 6.30pm. We also support the regions Foodbanks and Community Groups with surplus food Monday to Friday from our Community Food Hub (CFH) based in Waiwhakaiho. We utilise volunteers for food sorting at our CFH Mon-Fri between 11.30am and 2pm. If you're interested in volunteering, we will put you on an induction shift to see how you find it and go from there :)  Volunteer registration via our website:

Other Community Activities Community Service New Plymouth

Volunteer Youth Mentor

Are you aged 18 or over? Do you live in North Canterbury? Do have one hour free in your weekly schedule? If you answered 'YES!' to all of the above and want make a positive impact on a young person's life, YOU are invited to apply for the role of volunteer mentor! As a mentor, you will be professionally matched with a vulnerable child in your direct community and for one hour, once a week you’ll spend time together sharing hobbies and interests. The rangatahi (young people) in our programme are aged between 6 and 11 and are not high needs, but are children who need a bit of extra support and attention due to circumstances beyond their control. Activities you and your mentee might take part in may include; walking the dog, going for a hot chocolate, shooting some basketball hoops, baking or getting crafty... it's all about doing things you both enjoy and just spending time together, one-on-one. Throughout your time matched (a minimum of one year), our Mentoring Coordinators will be there to support and guide you along the way, with resources and activities (i.e. board games, craft materials) available if needed. You will also be invited to regular 'Match Events' where you can connect with other volunteers and rangatahi in the programme. The process of becoming a mentor includes an informal information session at our Rangiora office, followed by an application form, police check, formal interview and training session. On average, it can take about 6 to 8 weeks to complete the training process. Make a difference in your community and apply to join the Big Brothers Big Sisters team today! Find out more; Website, Facebook or Instagram, email or call 03 310 7004.     

Companionship Community Activities Community Service

St Mary's Community cupboard/ pātaka kai
Group request

Taranaki Timebank partners with community groups working towards Kai resilience. We support St Mary's Community Garden in Hawera who has a community cupboard/ the pātaka kai. Home growers also donate produce to keep our community nourished with fresh vegetables. Timebank members are encouraged to share and support this initiative. For each offering of food you will receive one time credit. For each photo you provide will earn you / a time credit. It may be used for Facebook posts. If you do not wish for the photo to be used please let us know. email-

Health & Wellbeing Kai Resilience Community Activities Plants Community Projects

Whangarei - Native plants, seedlings, seeds, mulch, and planting for regenerating bush

Kia ora, This is an ongoing, longer request for support establishing part of a wildlife corridor between the Pukenui and Otaika forests. We are regenerating bush on our property in Maunu, situated between the two reserves. Our priority is converting ~4 hectares of kikuyu-infested paddock into native bush. We've started planting ourselves, but we are going to need help. The long-term plan is to get the property protected in perpetuity as a QEII trust to preserve as wildlife and native bush preserve. The first step is replacing the grass with native plantings. What we are looking for to help make this happen: *Plants - Particularly pioneer species like manuka, kanuka, large harakeke, cabbage trees, Pittosporum crassifolium/karo, whau, red mapou, makomako, lacebark, mahoe, five finger, etc. Do you have a flat of manuka or kanuka seedlings? That can help! Splitting or removing a native? Send it our way! We also have shady marshy areas of paddock which need reforesting. *Mulch - We'll need heaps of mulch to protect our new plantings. Do you know where to get some? Will you have some? Can you dump some here? Unfortunately we don't have a truck for pickup. *Planting - Assuming we can get the requisite plants and mulch, we'll need help getting them in the ground. This is primarily a wintertime activity. *Money? - We've reached out to lots of departments and organizations about grants and funds to get any plants or mulch. Almost everyone is tapped out, or waiting until they get new guidelines for funding next year. We've signed up for notifications for a lot. We've also put in inquiries with private companies that share costs.  Another option is crowd-funding through the community, but we're not currently pursuing that until we've run through the other choices. Thank you, J & E

Other Community Activities Help at Home Fundraising Garden Plants & Produce

Timebanking Tales needed

We're always on the lookout for Timebanker Tales for sharing. Being able to share photos and stories about Timebanking exchanges and experiences helps to inspire others to get involved and provides great feedback to our funders about the impact Timebanking has on the lives of our members. Timecredits are paid for your contributions too! Contributions can be short and sweet sentences or paragraphs that we can quote or full stories in themselves. If you haven't a story of your own to share but love writing we can help you scratch that journalistic itch by putting you in touch with other Timebank members with stories to share!

Admin and Tech help Community Activities Work For Social Change Special Projects Help Our Organisation

Waste Warriors for Sustainable Taranaki

We’re looking for volunteers to help us out with: 🎉 Zero Waste Events 🧑‍🌾 Community Gardens 🌿 Nature Clean-ups ♻️ Recycling 🌏 Education & Community Events like Earth Day, Plastic Free July, World Clean-up Day etc. 🥕 Composting and Gardening (including the Sustainable Backyards Trail) Become part of a fun community that is helping to make Taranaki more liveable! Sustainable Taranaki will provide you with: relevant learning materials and training opportunities. a safe and friendly volunteering environment. communications about training, events and Sustainable Taranaki projects. social opportunities for volunteers to enjoy. acknowledgment and recognition of your contribution to the organisation. a developing rewards programme. work experience and a verbal reference. opportunities to up-skill within your volunteer role and commitment. As a volunteer, we ask that you be an engaged and compassionate volunteer from sharing skills and experience to attending trainings, events and helping with Sustainable Taranaki's projects. To volunteer for us please fill out the volunteer registration form found on our website

Other gardening Garden Help our Organisation Education Events Community Activities Clean-up / Recycling

Kaitaia - Gymnastic Coach/Helper

If you are interested in working with children, we have a number of classes that always welcome someone on a weekly basis to assist groups of gymnasts.

Leisure / Arts / Crafts / Music Recreation Community Activities

Random Acts of Kindness

For those times when you help someone out who isn't a Timebank member just because you can! Log hours for time spent helping strengthen your community, whether it's helping a neighbour with shopping, gardening, picking their tamariki up from school, picking litter up on a beach walk etc. When recording your exchange please add what you did in the 'Description of service' box eg 'Random Acts of Kindness - local litter picking', or 'Random Acts of Kindness - giving neighbour a lift to GP' etc

Other Community Activities Community Service TTT Membership

Garden help Rawene

Te Ara Rongoa needs volunteers to help with a wide range of activities, including planting, weeding, digging, clearing, composting to develop the hospital grounds organically and regeneratively. The project manager, Jessie McVeagh, is at the garden most mornings from 9am. Contact her if you are interested in helping out.  

Other Community Activities Special Projects Work For Social Change Group Projects


All new members can earn credit for attending an orientation.

Other Community Activities Help Our Organisation

Help Protect the Community!

We need you!  If You want to make the district safer and are able to spare a few hours on a Saturday night once a month please contact us.  The Ashburton Town watch (community patrol) is also a great chance to volunteer, engage with other members, learn details and history about the district and get familiar with driving around town and outside of it, as well as work hand in hand with the Ashburton police.   

Other Community Activities Community Service Emergency Response

Unwanted Shingle

We always need more shingle! If you or anyone you know of would be paying to dump unwanted shingle, please come and dump it at Staveley Camp for free! We use a lot of shingle for our walking tracks in the bush which we are making fully wheelchair accessible.  Thanks!

Other Community Activities

Cultural & Historical Knowledge of Staveley Forest/Sawmill Rd Bush

Part of the Staveley Camp Forest Restoration Project is to engage schools and local community in learning about biodiversity and the need to protect our degraded natural spaces. This includes working to develop a 'Head, Hands, Heart' environmental education programme. We see benefits for the forest itself and for the students and teachers in creating purpose built fun forest activities that can awaken interests in the students in subjects as diverse as ecology, history, creative writing, art and complex systems. We are looking for any cultural and historical knowledge about the bush itself and the immediate local area in order to weave it into our education programmes so that this knowledge can be sustainably and indefinitely retained. We are seeking local stories, memories, legends, historical events and any other interesting information. Why, for example, was a 9 hectare stand of forest left standing on SAWMILL rd?! If you have anything to offer, we would love to hear it. Please get in touch :-)

Other Community Activities Culture & Knowledge Special Projects History

Environmental Weed Control Work

The Staveley Camp forest has a number of invasive weeds, many of which (notably contoneaster) are altering the fundamental structure of the forest. Where areas of the forest have been cleared of contoneaster it is obvious that this weed, when established, prevents the growth of any other species. Work to control the weeds is continuing in the Staveley Forest on a weekly basis and we would love your help! We use hand tools (loppers, secateurs, hand saws) and gel herbicide in a method known as 'cut and paste'. The work can be quite hard and heavy, but you can work at your own pace and there is no pressure to meet KPIs! The location is beautiful and you get to hang out with the birds and the bush. We can provide all the tools, gloves and protective eyewear, although if you have your own LEATHER work gloves (many of the weeds are spikey) bring these. Strong shoes and work clothes a must. Bring your own lunch or take a break at the Staveley Store just down the road :-) If you can make your own way to Staveley Camp and would like to spend some hours/days/years! helping clear weeds, please get in touch to arrange a time that suits us both. gen de spa 0211 345 802

Other Community Activities Community Service

Creative writing and content creation

Enjoy creative writing?  Used to have a blog? Spending hours on writing long and complex Facebook posts?  This is the right place for you! We are looking for content contributors for the Mid Canterbury Newcomers Network newsletter in The Guardian. (see past newsletters here) Anything related to newcomers to Ashburton (both migrants and Kiwis), cultural events in the area, personal profiles for newcomers (contact me for guiding template) or any other idea you come up with that relates to the topic.  It's a chance to write something that will go out in a newspaper with a readership of over 17000 people. I'll be happy to provide guidance and editing.   

Other Community Activities Culture & Knowledge Special Projects Geography / Geology

Zero Waste Volunteers for Sustainable Taranaki

Kia ora, we have a number of different events coming up, and we need zero waste volunteers!! If you are interested in zero waste kaupapa and want to get involved hands on, let us know, we would love to have you on board, and we can pay timecredits! please email: 

Other Community Activities Clean-up / Recycling Community Projects