
Masaje corporal

Hola. Me gustaria recibir un masaje de espalda relajante. De momento sólo para mí (juan José). Sesión ya concertada con Neus Roche. Gracias. ¡¡ YA REALIZADO ¡¡

Health & Wellbeing massatges


Health & Wellbeing Massatges

Hawera; toiletries for gift bags to rest homes/womans refuge

Our upsewing group have made some fabulous toiletry bags & I’d love to fill them with goodies to send to Patea Resthome in the next couple weeks. If you have any hotel soaps, shampoos, skincare sample sachets, face wipes, or anything else you can think of …..happy to trade 1hr timecredit for few items :) Can pickup around South Taranaki

Health & Wellbeing Te Hāwera Community Activities


Health & Wellbeing


Ajudar e informació a nivel dietista-nutricionista, apendre a menjar sà.

Health & Wellbeing salut


Health & Wellbeing Masajes


Health & Wellbeing

Masaje ayurveda

Me gustaría provar un masaje ayurveda para ayudar a mi cuerpo a liberar tensiones y cortisol.

Health & Wellbeing massatge benestar

Bany de bosc

Busco gent que vulgui fer passejades i excursions pel bosc, preferiblement el cap de setmana.

Health & Wellbeing

Bici de carretera
Group request

M'agradaria fer algun volt amb bici de carretera, a l'entorn de Vic. Algú s'hi apunta?

Health & Wellbeing


¡Hola! ¿alguien que sepa de medicina china y practique acupresión? me sería de gran ayuda ♡♡♡ Iziar

Health & Wellbeing Salut. Altres

Entrenamiento personal

Ayudarme en hacer un plan para empezar con entrenamiento en el gymnasio pequeño que hay en mi edificio. Como elegir ejercicios, forma correcta etc

Health & Wellbeing Acompanyament salud


Hola, busco alguien que pueda dar masajes de cualquier tipo: deportivo, relajante, etc. Que tenga al menos conocimientos basicos como masajista. gracias

Health & Wellbeing


Apoyo y orientación

Health & Wellbeing

Assessorament sobre la cura de la pell

Health & Wellbeing

Voldria trobar persones per passejar amb mi i la meva filla un o dos dies a la setmana.

Health & Wellbeing

Ecstatic dance, biodanza, mindfulness, medotacion

Health & Wellbeing ecstatic biodanza mindfulness meditación

masaje en cervicales

Me duelen mucho las cervicales y los masajes me relajan mucho la zona.

Health & Wellbeing masaje


do we have any massage therapists here? :) could do with a massage

Health & Wellbeing

Caminades Conscients

M'agradaria trobar una persona o grup, amb el que poder fer caminates de tardes o de cap de setmana.

Health & Wellbeing

Teràpies alternatives

Health & Wellbeing terapias alternativas

Dansa moviment teràpia

Busco sessions de dansa moviment teràpia, algu a la sala? serien puntuals per complementar un altre procés terapèutic que estic fent

Health & Wellbeing salut dansa terapia

Kaitaia: Volunteers of all ages welcome at the community garden!

Kia ora Timebankers! Our community garden is not a community garden without a community. Are you interested in sharing your knowledge and experience, and learning from others in a garden context? Are you interested to learn how to grow your own (organic) food? Are you keen to just help out for a couple of hours in the garden on a Tuesday or Thursday morning, and take fresh organic food home? Do you just want to come along to chat about gardening and maybe bring some questions? Our garden is open to all. If you have any questions or want to express interest in joining us, please message us by replying to this request! The garden is behind Kaitaia Community House at 12 Puckey Ave, and open sessions for volunteers are Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8-10AM (summer hours) or 9am - 11am (Winter hours). If that time doesn't work for you but you're still keen to come down, send us a message, and we'll see what we can do!

Health & Wellbeing Health & Wellbeing Help at Home Diet & Nutrition Garden Plants & Produce


Health & Wellbeing

Ensenyar a nadar

Cerco algú que tingui titulació per rectificar la meva forma de nadar.

Health & Wellbeing