
¿me acompañas a hacer pestiños?

Sé hacer pestiños, pero me resulta pesado y aburrido hacerlo solo. Busco a alguien que quiera acompañarme en el proceso, aprender a hacerlos o compartir nuevas ideas y recetas para elaborarlos de forma diferente.

Food / Drink cocina navidad

Kitchen helper at Staveley 26/1/2025

We have another Wellbeing Day at the beautiful Staveley Camp & Forest on Sunday January 26th 2025 We are looking for someone or more than one to assist in the kitchen on this day. We have someone in charge (unless you want to volunteer for that role!) but need some extra hands to help them prepare food, lay it out, clean up after etc. There will be morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. At previous Wellbeing Days participants have raved about the food, so we are likely to stick with a similar menu. The day runs from 9 - 5pm but if you could come from 9am until 2pm most of the work would then be completed. There is also the option to come the day/ night before and enjoy staying at the camp, enjoy the peacefulness of the forest, before your time helping in the kitchen. Contact Kate if you are interested or have questions. Best email is or phone 308 1237 ext 218

Food / Drink

Tallar pernil

Necessito algú que sàpiga començar a tallar una espatlla de pernil.

Food / Drink cuina

Kai Drop off at the community garden

St Mary's Community Garden in Hawera has a community cupboard/ the pātaka kai. Home growers are welcome to donate produce to keep our community nourished with fresh vegetables. For each offering of food you will receive one time credit. Please email Alice

Food / Drink Kai Resilience Community garden Community Projects Plants Garden Garden Mahi