
Hāwera - massive garden needs seedlings transplanted, weeding and seeding and clearing beds to plant at Goldbush

Weeding, seeding, transplanting, lots to do in this late winter/early spring time! Happy to have multiple Timebankers over several days carrying out this work (you don't have to do all of it!). Let me know what you're able to do, standing to seed into trays, or cultivating with tools or hand weeding, lots of options.

Garden Kai Resilience Garden

TOM New Plymouth - handyman needed to fix timber gate that won’t close and install a security camera

Handyman that can fix my timber gate that won’t close and install a security camera. New Plymouth

Repair / Mend Repair / Mend Handyperson

New Plymouth - Help to Set up/Pack up at Sunday 15th Farmer's Market at Huatoki Plaza

Sunday 15th September I would like some help to set up my Goldbush Micro Farm market stall at 8am at the Huatoki Plaza on Devon Street, pack up is just before 12pm and you can take a selection of any veges unsold as a bonus. Some heavy lifting required, can do just set up if preferred.

Food / Drink Food Kai Resilience

Reparar wc

Se m'ha trencat junta tapa wc i en necessito posar una nova. Algun manetes? Gràcies

Repair / Mend


Busco un lampista, si me pueden porfa recomendar, es que soy nueva por aquí y no conozco, estoy sin luz y sin internet. Gracias Mi Teléfono 656991357 Jacqueline

Repair / Mend electricitat

Banc de fusta terrassa

Necessito reforçar un banc de fusta, que se'ns ha trencat.El vull seguir utilitzant. Jo no tinc idea de bricolatge

Repair / Mend


Voldria assessorament per comprar-me una planxa i aprendre trucs per planxar "sense complicar-me" gaire.

Help at Home planxar

Arranjament de roba

Tinc un vestit que porto per casa i la platja que se m'ha estripat de baix. Voldria fer-hi algun arranjament per poder-lo seguir portant.

Help at Home cosir

Nocions de Bachata

Puc fer-te unes classes pk aprenguis a ballar bachata/ salsa

Leisure / Arts / Crafts / Music

Manure for Community Compost Needed

We process event waste from community events in Whangarei. We're after some manure, horse/cow/chicken etc to help heat up our compost and get it processing faster. We're based in the avenues, so central Whangarei.

Garden Garden compost manure Care of Animals / Gardens / etc. animal community community community garden


algú que tingui una radial per tallar perfils alumini

Repair / Mend

KAITAIA: Copper, brass, bronze wire/small pieces

I'm doing heritage crafts & medieval re-enactment with a group of kids. We're experimenting with making celtic jewellery for their costumes, and would love if you have any of these types of metal lying about for us to use. Thank you!

Leisure / Arts / Crafts / Music

Refugee Family Support

The Refugee Settlement Support Team are looking for family support volunteers to help settle our families into their new life in Ashburton. The families are from Afghanistan and are of Hazara ethnicity. The activities could include general companionship, conversational English language practice, transport, shopping assistance, babysitting, gardening, craft and anything else that would help a family settle into life in New Zealand. For more information, please phone Wendy Hewitt 027 244 7127, email

Companionship Transport Help at Home Companionship Errands / Shopping Home Visits

Kaitaia - Turmeric plant

Looking at growing turmeric in my home garden. Would anyone have any spare roots for me to be able to try? cheers :-)


Valorar Monedas

Tinc moltes monedes antigues, noves de molts països i no sé què fer amb elles. També algun bitllet antic i segells. Si tens idea del tema i em vols assessorar o donar alguna idea creativa!

Consulting monedas organització documentos col.leccionisme segells

TOM Manaia - Car cleaning, inside and out required, all equipment supplied

Kia ora. My poor car needs a clean inside and out. As I have trouble with my hands, it is not a task I can do myself. Your help would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance. Bridgette 021 084 33438

Help at Home Help at Home cleaning car valet

Ōpunake - Clearing weeds in section

1/4 acre section needs help with gardening. There's lots of weeds in the overgrown back section. Tools supplied.

Garden gardening Garden

masaje en cervicales

Me duelen mucho las cervicales y los masajes me relajan mucho la zona.

Health & Wellbeing masaje

Kai Drop off at the community garden

St Mary's Community Garden in Hawera has a community cupboard/ the pātaka kai. Home growers are welcome to donate produce to keep our community nourished with fresh vegetables. For each offering of food you will receive one time credit. Please email Alice

Food / Drink Kai Resilience Community garden Community Projects Plants Garden Garden Mahi

clase de Crochet

Me gustaría aprender ha hacer crochet.

Lessons crochet

Putting up a tunnel house in New Plymouth

I have a Trade Tested tunnel house to put up in my garden. There will be a bit of digging to level ground. There are also 2 raised garden beds to put together and fill. These are jobs I would happily do for myself, but I am currently recovering from abdominal surgery. Can give hours, and trade a few kale, spinach and purple sprouting broccoli seedlings. I hope to get it done within the next month. Thanks Sandra

Garden Garden New Plymouth Kai Resilience Building

Hāwera - Garden Help to prune trees in small backyard in town

Variety of trees needing to be pruned. Will require a chainsaw and tools. Ladder supplied. Prunings to be left onsite, would love these to be mulched for my garden.

Garden Help at Home Hāwera Garden

TOM New Plymouth - Assist with Cleaning Gutters on House, Equipment Supplied

Help to assist me with removing gutter whiskers, clearing weeds and debris from the gutters then placing whiskers back into the gutters. Based in New Plymouth

Help at Home Help at Home cleaning

KAITAIA: a short person's bike

Does anyone have a short person's bike that needs a new home? Nothing fancy, just something that goes. Would be so wonderful!


Clases de cocina española

Lessons cocina