
Suport en la organització de la 3º Jornada Holística de Calafell

Otros suport organización jornadas

Non-perishable food items and garden produce needed for a Timebank family after their house burned down in Kaitaia area.

A local Timebank family lost everything in a house fire that happened recently. For now, their needs are non-perishable food items and fresh garden produce. They are a family of 4 with two young children. You can drop items to the Eco Centre in Kaitaia and local Coordinator Caryl will deliver these to the family. Anything is appreciated!

Otros kaitaia food Garden

Looking for (old) hay bales

Hi there we are on the look out for old hay bales that we can use in our community garden in Pupuke, Kaeo. Thank you

Otros hay bales hay community garden Kaeo

Dargaville Community Garden

Ongoing support for the Dargaville Community Garden. Located at Kumarani Creative Centre A garden to promote wellness, community connections and to be a learning / growing space for any who require it. Our goal is to educate and connect rather than high production. This is a permaculture garden based on the core ethics of 'Earth Care' 'People Care' and 'Fair Share'. We encourage everyone to start a garden at home. There will be monthly open days including workshops, seed and crop swaping and information sharing. You can also be part of the regular volunteer team taking care of the gardens.

Otros community garden Garden Dargaville

Petita feina d’electricitat

Necesitaria algu que entengues una mica d’electricitat , es només empalmar uns cables y colocar una llum.

Otros #electricitat

desmuntar estructura tancament vidre

Tenia una cortina de vidre, ara a mig desmuntar. Faltaria treure uns cargols que els que van venir no van aconseguir desmuntar amb la seva broca.



Otros Canalització

Costura 🧵

Bon día, Missatge per la Veronika, m'agradaria arreglar alguns baixos... Ja em dius, gràcies

Otros costura costura

Necessiteria algú que tingues una furgoneta

Hola, Necessiteria algú que tingues una furgoneta per portar un matalas de 135 x 180, de Folgueroles a Vic, contacte amb privat siusplau, gràcies

Otros transport

Kerikeri Delivery to Kaitaia sought

I have organic oranges that I'm trying to get to Bells in kaitaia if anyone could possibly take five or six. Boxes once in a while I would be really appreciative and willing to pay or compensate could you please contact me urgently thank you so much

Otros Plants & Produce Transport - Long Distance kaitaia

Whangārei: Horse, House, Chook Sitter Needed
Demanda grupal

1st Sept – 10th Oct 2024 while we’re overseas. We live on the Tutukaka Coast about 3.5hrs north of Auckland and 45mins from our local town, Whangārei. Our home is situated at the end of a gravel road 4kms from the beach, on 150 acres of land shared with 6 families. We actually rent our little home, with 1 bedroom, from close friends, and it’s above their double garage. We have a veggie garden around us. And as it’s at the end of a valley we’re surrounded by bush. We have 2 chooks - Bunchy and Cloudy, and 2 horses – Toto and Serenity. Toto is a 9yr old thoroughbred with a lovely nature. He lives about 2kms down the gravel road with 2 other horses who are not ours. Serenity is a 20yr old Standard Bred and lives about 8kms away. Toto gets fed every day and gets a rug on when it’s wet and cold. Ideally this would suit a single female with a love of the land and experience with horses. We’d love to hear from you if you feel this would suit you.


Compost volunteers Kaitaia

We still need compost helpers at CBEC!! We would love you to come help us, we take paper towels and foodwaste and create wonderful compost that we give to kindis, but we need help. Volunteers will be welcome to go home with a bag of compost or three!! Ideally we would make this a regular once a month event, please let us know what days you are free.

Otros kaitaia

ajuda hort

Busco algú que vulgui compartir hort a Santa Eugènia. 90 m2 terra bona, aigua? ara sí per uns dies. Sistema: cobrir la terra amb paper, cartrons, palla; plantar espès, deixar algunes espontànies o plantes amigues, flors també, no voltejar la terra i no utilitzar mai mai mai productes de síntesi o plàstics. Aquesta dies que han donat l'aigua, pocs, seria el moment d humitejar la terra, plantar mongetes, panís i ocra, i protegir el sòl. També m aniria bé una ajuda puntual


Recoger 3 sillas

Recoger 3 sillas de pvc (no pesan) en Rambla Poble Nou (en amplio horario 11.30-22h) y traer a zona Sant Ramón/ Maternidad (mi casa). Gracias!

Otros transporte

Demanda grupal


Kaitaia - has anyone got an old MP3 player

I need something to play bird sounds on. Contact via landline

Otros Wanted

Wanting a recording of Minor bird terratorial call

I am needing someone who has or would be able to search the internet for the territorial call of the minor bird. I will get this transferred to an MP3 player or such like so I can attract them to a trap. contact via landline

Otros Computer Technology Garden

Kaitaia - need someone to adapt an MP3 player

Needing someone who can adapt an old MP3 player to work through an old speaker and attach to a 12 v battery so it can run bird sounds outside over a long period of time. Please contact via landline

Otros maintenance Computer

Aprender a cocinar

Cocina variada


Repair Cafe Kaitaia needs a sign painted

The Menz Shed is making a wooden frame for the Repair Cafe, we just need someone to paint the Repair Cafe logo on it to go in front of the Repair Cafe on our open day (last Saturday of the month). Paint is provided as well as guidance to the look of the sign. Contact if you can help!


Limpieza filtro aire acondicionado

El aire acondiciondo me gotea al cabo de un rato de usarlo, creo que es el filtro que est sucio.

Otros reparacions aire

Conversa a catalá

He estudiat l'A1 de català i necessito fer conversa

Otros Idiomes conversacion

Regar durant les vacances

Marxo alguns dies de vacances al juliol, agost i octubre i necessitaria algú que pugui passar un cop al dia o cada 2 dies per casa (Poble Sec) a regar l'hort (petitet) i posar aigua i menjar al meu ocellet. :)

Otros Hort vacances regar Cura d'animals


Tinc un ordinador de sobretaula ALL IN ONE magnífic... però d'un temps ençà va molt lent... Li he passat l'antivirus... però no se que te... Necessito algú que se'l pugui mirar i me'l pugi posar al dia.

Otros informàtica informatica virus software

Need Help with Photoshop

I'm working on a new website and need help doing minor editing on some artwork. Also need to turn a line drawing into a vector image. This probably wouldn't take much time, I just don't have photoshop on my computer. Thanks!!!

Otros Computer