Necesito encontrar un lugar en donde poder vivir y trabajar. Requiero ayuda para la búsqueda.
Porto 2 setmanes amb vertigens. Soc mare vídua d'un nen de 6 anys i necessito ajuda de tota mena. Qualsevol coseta q em puguis ajudar serà benvinguda. Exemples: per dur el nen al cole, per tornar-lo a casa, per entretenir-lo fora de casa i q jo pugui descansar, per treure la gossa, per netejar la casa, per cuinar, per fer la compra, per acompanyar-me al metge, fer gestions, fer-me companyia... Gràcies.
Companionship Conversar Acompanyament a persones amb falta de mobilitat Cura d'animals Acompanyament amb cotxe Neteja domèstica Cura de les plantes Conversar amb malalts infants Conversar amb persones soles Acompanyament persones amb dificultats canalla Acompanyament persones Cuinar Suport psicològic Cura dels fills
Hola a tothom. Actualment estic a classe de català Basic 3. Necessito parlar per practicar. Estic disponible a la tarda durant la setmana. Gràcies
Necessito que algú m'acompanyi amb cotxe a fer activitats d'oci
Companionship Transport fer de taxi lleure
necesito furgo per anar a buscar a Sant boi una nevera, un rentavaixelles i un vitro la semana que be...
Estar conmigo trabajando en algo tuyo mientras yo trabajo.
Se coñeces os segredos da natureza e podes contarnos todo sobre as plantas, animais e ecosistemas da zona, estamos desexando escoitarte! 👂✨ Queremos descubrir xuntos qué fai tan especial a nosa contorna, desde os carballos centenarios ata as criaturas máis pequenas que viven no noso bosque. 🦋🌲 Sería incrible contar cunha persoa experta que nos guíe e nos faga mirar o noso entorno dun xeito novo. Se te apetece compartir a túa paixón pola bioloxía e o medio ambiente con nós, estariamos encantad@s de aprender contigo! 😊💚 ¡Agardámoste para unha excursión chea de descubrimentos! 🌍
Companionship paseo contorna natureza actividade
Necessito que em portin amb cotxe.
Companionship portar amb cotxe fer de taxi
Busco algu per quedar un dia a la setmana i compartir espai de treball amb l'ordinador. La demanda/oferta tracta de fer conjuntament cadascú la seva feina en un espai de treball compartit (body doubling). Bàsicament per no postergar tasques i gestions pendents, en el meu cas, entregues que tinc atrassades i feines d'ordinador. Com qui quedava per estudiar/anar a la biblioteca..... Es pot fer online o presencial ( casa, biblioteca, cafeteria...)
Me gustaría poder encontrar a personas con las que hablar, pasear, tomar un café,..
The Refugee Settlement Support Team are looking for family support volunteers to help settle our families into their new life in Ashburton. The families are from Afghanistan and are of Hazara ethnicity. The activities could include general companionship, conversational English language practice, transport, shopping assistance, babysitting, gardening, craft and anything else that would help a family settle into life in New Zealand. For more information, please phone Wendy Hewitt 027 244 7127, email wendy.rsvolunteer@safer.org.nz
Companionship Transport Help at Home Companionship Errands / Shopping Home Visits
Would you like to get to know your Timebanking neighbours better, or simply find out who they are?! Social events are a great way to connect and network, and even if you don't set up a Timebank exchange there and then just from having chatted to someone can help you know who to ask directly when you need a hand. Our social events are usually pot luck, with the host providing any hot drinks. Worried about the clean-up afterwards? We can put out a request for someone to help out with that, or setting up if you need to move things around or get to those things in high up cupboards that you don't use very often! Turn out can vary hugely from a handful to a houseful; if you feel that you'd rather have a smaller event that's fine, they can often be better for getting to know your closer Timebanking neighbours, and have conversations that include everyone at the same time. There's no fixed time or day, so if you'd rather do a Morning or Afternoon tea than a lunch or early evening meal that's just fine, you don't even have to hold it at your own home, you can suggest a local park or beach for a picnic - these are particularly popular with families, just keep an eye on the weather forecast! If you'd like to make it an event where a coordinator gives a short talk about Timebanking to your friends and whānau who are interested we can do that too. If any of this sounds like something you'd be keen to do contact your Local Coordinator is you have one, or Paula Walker on paula.tttimebank@gmail.com if you live in Whangaroa-Kerikeri, Te Pēwhairangi/BOI, or Kaikohe-Hokianga. They'll help you gets something set up and publicised at a level you're comfortable with.
Companionship Help our Timebank networking social events
Los domingos por la mañana me gusta salir a pasear y si fuera acompañada con alguien seria mas ameno.
Hola, tinc el peu fotut i no puc conduir temporalment. Em cal algú que em porti amb el meu cotxe a Bcn al metge, estar allà una mitja hora i tornar plegats Gràcies!
Companionship Acompanyament amb cotxe
Acompanyament per conversa en castellà
Companionship conversar castellà
Looking for others to share the enjoyment of singing together and playing the guitar or Ukulele or ? to upgrade techniques or Have fun ?
Companionship Whangārei Arts / Crafts / Music
necesito ayuda para hacer el trabajo de unos libros, revisión ortotipográfica, y de estilo
Are you aged 18 or over? Do you live in North Canterbury? Do have one hour free in your weekly schedule? If you answered 'YES!' to all of the above and want make a positive impact on a young person's life, YOU are invited to apply for the role of volunteer mentor! As a mentor, you will be professionally matched with a vulnerable child in your direct community and for one hour, once a week you’ll spend time together sharing hobbies and interests. The rangatahi (young people) in our programme are aged between 6 and 11 and are not high needs, but are children who need a bit of extra support and attention due to circumstances beyond their control. Activities you and your mentee might take part in may include; walking the dog, going for a hot chocolate, shooting some basketball hoops, baking or getting crafty... it's all about doing things you both enjoy and just spending time together, one-on-one. Throughout your time matched (a minimum of one year), our Mentoring Coordinators will be there to support and guide you along the way, with resources and activities (i.e. board games, craft materials) available if needed. You will also be invited to regular 'Match Events' where you can connect with other volunteers and rangatahi in the programme. The process of becoming a mentor includes an informal information session at our Rangiora office, followed by an application form, police check, formal interview and training session. On average, it can take about 6 to 8 weeks to complete the training process. Make a difference in your community and apply to join the Big Brothers Big Sisters team today! Find out more; Website, Facebook or Instagram, email northcanterbury@bbbs.nz or call 03 310 7004.
Companionship Community Activities Community Service
Busco un/a pianista que me pueda grabar algunos acompañamientos para poder ensayar en casa, no todo lo que busco está colgado en internet...