Es busca gent interessada per tirar endavent una iniciativa sorgida en la darrera assamblea.
Es tracta de formar un equip per tirar endavant una ludoteca gestionada per les famílies del poble
Interessats contatcar amb la Ingrid. Està al grup de watsap de l'AAVV però en el Banc de Temps
Community activities
February 07, 2025
Hores de Col.laboració amb la Fira del Tió
Community activities
February 05, 2025
Support Timebank by becoming a member of the Steering Commitee! We are still looking for our perfect Chairperson to head our growing team of enthusiastic committee members, this is a role that could work for two people to split the role.
Earn Timebank hours for volunteering. You can be from anywhere in Taranaki, we met monthly via Zoom.
Primary Tasks: Lead the committee and represent the organisation
Outline of Responsibilities: Ensure that the Rules are followed Convene Meetings Chair Meetings, ensuring all governing body members can contribute to debate and decision-making Oversee the operation of TTB Give a report on the operation of TTB at each Annual General Meeting Monitor the Coordinator's performance
Contact Michelle or 027 275 0215 for the Constitution or more information. Attend our Zoom meeting Thursday 13th Feb to meet the Steering Committee.
Community activities
Help our Organisation
steering commitee
February 04, 2025
The Every bite team is looking for any excess tomatoes you might have for their workshop on the 11th of February.
Please reply only by email if you can help and we will pass on your details.
Nga mihi
Community activities
community garden
Plants & Produce
Community Service
February 04, 2025
M'agradaria coneixer persones i compartir temps
Community activities
relacions socials
, compartir temps
February 03, 2025
Vull participar en les xerrades del BDT Cambrils
Community activities
January 23, 2025
M'agradaria participar en les sortides del BDT.
Community activities
January 23, 2025
Fa poc que visc aquí i vull ampliar el meu cercle social
Community activities
fer amics
January 20, 2025
Community activities
January 16, 2025
Community activities
January 16, 2025
M'agrada caminar i m'agradaria participar en les excursions i sortides de grup
Community activities
November 18, 2024
Kaiapoi Community Support provide food parcels to those in need. Recently we have been conducting a trial where we are giving families that collect food, veges growing in pots. Things like potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, lettuces, peas, spinach etc
So far 40+ families have benefited from this initiative.
Helping families learn how to grow their own food is what we are trying to achieve, plus there are many other wellbeing benefits.
What we are in need of is the following: potting mix/fertiliser, plants and seedlings.
If you would like to donate any items please drop them off to 24 Sewell Street Kaiapoi, Monday – Friday 10am till 2.00pm
Community activities
November 14, 2024
Healthy Homes has lost control of it's Facebook page (all the marketing they ever needed) and now the team has no jobs to do!
EcoSolutions would love to offer a time credit, plus we will pay your subs for Timebank for next year if you can get a referral to keep the boys busy before Xmas...any owner occupier in Te Tai Tokerau with a gold card or community services card, including those living houses on papakainga land qualifies for up to 100% subsidy for insulation, which keeps you warm in winter and cool in summer too! Email for a poster and more information. Or share this 🔗
Community activities
tai tokerau
October 27, 2024
Bon tarda busco homes o dones que vulguin ajudar a l'Associació Juvenil Salsa jove a muntar la barraca de Fires a canvi de Temps. Seria les tardes de 15h a 20h, aquest dimecres, dijous, divendres i dissabte tot el dia. Contacte 699008522.
Community activities
October 14, 2024
Can you spare a little time to share your crafty, creative or organising talents?
Anō Anō is on a mission to create community connection and divert waste from landfill by mending, upcycling and repurposing discarded clothing/textiles and we need help with a variety of tasks to keep us on track.
If you like our kaupapa and would like to earn time credits whilst helping out in a fun environment with like minded people please get in touch or drop in and see us. Areas in particular we would love help with are ....
Sorting incoming clothing and textiles,
Mending/repairing clothing,
Making upcycled or repurposed items for the Eco Centre shop (we also have number of projects that are started and need finishing, such as denim tool belts/aprons needing pockets added),
Washing clothes/stain removal on otherwise good condition clothing,
Running or hosting a workshop (especially if it involves making reuseable alternatives to single use plastic, however all workshop ideas are welcome)
Sharing your knitting/sewing/crafty and creative skills with visitors wanting to learn,
Help tidying our shelves and boxes of clothing and fabrics that get a bit disorderly after particularly busy sessions or workshops.
In return we can offer you time credits, lots of gratitude, cups of tea/coffee, inspiration for creativity, possible assistance with any upcycling or repurposing projects of your own and the potential to meet some awesome people in our space.
Email Taryn :
or : Contact us on Messenger via the Anō Anō Facebook page
or : Drop in and see us at 5 Bank St, Kaitaia ( Hours: Monday 10am - 1pm, Tuesday 3pm - 5pm, Thursday 10am - 6pm, Friday 10am - 1pm)
Community activities
textile recycling
October 14, 2024
Do you have a morning (or avo) available where you could talk to new people, read a book or do your handicraft and at the same time help man our little shop in Kaitaia.
A shift is 2.5 hours. Any help is gratefully appreciated whether you could do odd relieving or a permanent shift.
The job isn't onerous, in fact most people use the time to do their crafts, research or other activities as generally we are not overly busy. Some travel in from outlying areas to shop then come do a shift before going home again. We pay in time credits.
If you know a younger person who needs work experience or a helping hand back into the workforce (CV might be a little bare?), this is a good
opportunity to create a new start.
Skills needed: be willing to listen, can do basic counting, be available to do a 2.5 hour shift either morning or afternoon, have some interest in environmental issues is helpful. May need to do a Police check.
Please Email if you are interested
Thanks - The Team at the Eco Centre
Community activities
Community Service
work experience
Personal Development
Te hiku
September 09, 2024