Hāwera; Garden help needed
Always needing help in the garden, mostly a lot of weeding at the moment! Also welcome any general garden advice on setup, plantings, rotation etc .
Garden Garden Garden Mahi Hawera Kai Resilience
Always needing help in the garden, mostly a lot of weeding at the moment! Also welcome any general garden advice on setup, plantings, rotation etc .
Garden Garden Garden Mahi Hawera Kai Resilience
Taranaki Timebank is joining CCS on the 31st October, sharing our Kai resilience initiative at their Karanga Maha at Owae marae in Waitara after lunch. We are needing seedlings, food/ herb plants for participants. Also if you are enthusiastic about Timebank and growing Kai you are welcome to join us to share your knowledge. Please contact Jaki on ttb.south@gmail.com to discuss exchange of seedlings/ pots or for more information about helping.
Garden Kai Resilience Food Surplus Fruit / Veggie & Preserves Help our Organisation Waitara Education
St Mary's Community Garden in Hawera has a community cupboard/ the pātaka kai. Home growers are welcome to donate produce to keep our community nourished with fresh vegetables. For each offering of food you will receive one time credit. Please email Alice
Food / Drink Kai Resilience Community garden Community Projects Plants Garden Garden Mahi
I have a Trade Tested tunnel house to put up in my garden. There will be a bit of digging to level ground. There are also 2 raised garden beds to put together and fill. These are jobs I would happily do for myself, but I am currently recovering from abdominal surgery. Can give hours, and trade a few kale, spinach and purple sprouting broccoli seedlings. I hope to get it done within the next month. Thanks Sandra
Garden Garden New Plymouth Kai Resilience Building
Worms! Do you have Worms?? I want some for my worm farm. Hawera? South Taranaki please.
We'd love to have a couple of helpers to get food and drinks ready at our upcoming gathering / wānanga. We already have volunteers to pre-make the food, but would really appreciate someone to get them ready in time for morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. Washing up will be done collaboratively. More info here: https://climatejusticetaranaki.info/2024/04/16/invitation-climate-action-now/
Other New Plymouth Cooking / Baking Community Projects Food Kai Resilience
Taranaki Timebank partners with community groups working towards Kai resilience. We support St Mary's Community Garden in Hawera who has a community cupboard/ the pātaka kai. Home growers also donate produce to keep our community nourished with fresh vegetables. Timebank members are encouraged to share and support this initiative. For each offering of food you will receive one time credit. For each photo you provide will earn you / a time credit. It may be used for Facebook posts. If you do not wish for the photo to be used please let us know. email- ttb.SouthMain@outlook.com
Health & Wellbeing Kai Resilience Community Activities Plants Community Projects
St Mary's Community Garden in Hawera have a community cupboard/ the pātaka kai which has been decorated by local students drawing attention to passers-by, encouraging them to help themselves to available produce from the garden. Home growers also donate produce to keep our community nourished with fresh vegetables.
Health & Wellbeing Hawera Kai Resilience