With Xmas approaching a friend at Catopia Sanctuary is running a community Xmas lunch with Te Ara Pae trust in Hawera, to celebrate with people who may find this time of year difficult. She needs helpers to make it happen! I’ve got loads of TTB hours & would LOVE to give them to you to help out :) Event will be Friday 20th Dec 12-2pm so need people 2hrs pre&post for setup/cleanup etc. Help pay it forward this Xmas!!!
Community activities
Community Projects
Community Service
November 20, 2024
St Mary's Community Garden in Hawera has a community cupboard/ the pātaka kai. Home growers are welcome to donate produce to keep our community nourished with fresh vegetables. For each offering of food you will receive one time credit. Please email Alice
Food / Drink
Kai Resilience
Community garden
Community Projects
Garden Mahi
August 31, 2024
We'd love to have a couple of helpers to get food and drinks ready at our upcoming gathering / wānanga.
We already have volunteers to pre-make the food, but would really appreciate someone to get them ready in time for morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. Washing up will be done collaboratively.
More info here: https://climatejusticetaranaki.info/2024/04/16/invitation-climate-action-now/
New Plymouth
Cooking / Baking
Community Projects
Kai Resilience
May 07, 2024
We'd love to have a couple of childminders to care for the kids at our upcoming gathering / wānanga, so participants can focus on the workshops.
More info here: https://climatejusticetaranaki.info/2024/04/16/invitation-climate-action-now/
Community Projects
Child Care
New Plymouth
April 17, 2024
Taranaki Timebank partners with community groups working towards Kai resilience. We support St Mary's Community Garden in Hawera who has a community cupboard/ the pātaka kai. Home growers also donate produce to keep our community nourished with fresh vegetables. Timebank members are encouraged to share and support this initiative. For each offering of food you will receive one time credit. For each photo you provide will earn you / a time credit. It may be used for Facebook posts. If you do not wish for the photo to be used please let us know. email- ttb.SouthMain@outlook.com
Health & Wellbeing
Kai Resilience
Community Activities
Community Projects
December 13, 2023
Our Glenpark Ave Community Garden is a small orchard and veggie garden on the Huatoki Walkway at Glenpark Ave. To find our garden from Glenpark Ave take the footpath between numbers 29 and 31. We have monthly working bees on the 2nd Saturday of each month 10am-12.00. Please come and join us! Bring a empty mug for a cuppa. No gardening experience required! Absolute beginners welcome. Monthly tasks are shifting and spreading mulch and weeding.
Community Projects
Garden Mahi
August 11, 2023
Kia ora, we have a number of different events coming up, and we need zero waste volunteers!! If you are interested in zero waste kaupapa and want to get involved hands on, let us know, we would love to have you on board, and we can pay timecredits! please email:
Community Activities
Clean-up / Recycling
Community Projects
April 21, 2023