Masaje corporal
Hola. Me gustaria recibir un masaje de espalda relajante. De momento sólo para mí (juan José). Sesión ya concertada con Neus Roche. Gracias. ¡¡ YA REALIZADO ¡¡
Hola. Me gustaria recibir un masaje de espalda relajante. De momento sólo para mí (juan José). Sesión ya concertada con Neus Roche. Gracias. ¡¡ YA REALIZADO ¡¡
Support Timebank by becoming a member of the Steering Commitee! We are still looking for our perfect Chairperson to head our growing team of enthusiastic committee members, this is a role that could work for two people to split the role. Earn Timebank hours for volunteering. You can be from anywhere in Taranaki, we met monthly via Zoom. Chairperson: Primary Tasks: Lead the committee and represent the organisation Outline of Responsibilities: Ensure that the Rules are followed Convene Meetings Chair Meetings, ensuring all governing body members can contribute to debate and decision-making Oversee the operation of TTB Give a report on the operation of TTB at each Annual General Meeting Monitor the Coordinator's performance Contact Michelle or 027 275 0215 for the Constitution or more information. Attend our Zoom meeting Thursday 13th Feb to meet the Steering Committee.
Community activities Help our Organisation steering commitee
Buenas! M'agrada aprendre a ballar, no discrimino cap ball, estic oberta a propostes. Gràcies!
Lessons bachata salsa ball de saló baile
My wheelbarrow wheel needs its tube rescued from inside the tyre. Can anybody help me get the valve back through the hole so I can pump it up please? As you can see the plastic rim is looking tired (pun intended) so not sure how much pressure it can take. We can only but try. I hoped I could paste a photo but I can send you one if you email me.
Repair / Mend Garden Help at Home
The Every bite team is looking for any excess tomatoes you might have for their workshop on the 11th of February. Please reply only by email if you can help and we will pass on your details. Nga mihi
Community activities Kaitaia community garden Plants & Produce Community Service
M'agradaria coneixer persones i compartir temps
Community activities relacions socials , compartir temps amistat
Can you sew a simple straight line? Are you keen to spread the word about Upsewing and what we do? Come down for an hour during the A&P Show in Hāwera and use a sewing machine to demonstrate the Upsewing way! We will set up a roster, so get in touch and let us know what time suit you between 11am and 3pm Sat or Sun.
Other Hāwera Help our Organisation
You can do as much or as little as you can, we appreciate any and all help! Help us spread the word about Timebank! Tending the stall (under the Grandstand so out of the weather) and talking about your experience with Timebank. The stall needs to be ready by 9:30 am, Saturday 22 February for gates open at 10am. We also need people that can spare time to prepare the area and set up our tables on Friday, 21 February from 9 till 12pm and then 6pm till 8 pm (Pick a time that suits you). Larin (the organiser) will be there by 7:30am on Saturday. They will shut the doors at 5pm Saturday and start packing down at 4pm Sunday.
Other Help our Organisation Hāwera Market
Tinc el pel curt i voldria buidar-ho i tallar una mica, sobre tot per davant
Necessito algú per portar fustes, des de casa - Francesc Rogès núm. 15, fins el contenidor més a prop que està a uns 200 metres. Ja estan a fora de la casa. Perquè avisaré a la deixalleria per recollir-los. Pagaré una hora de temps, no s'hi està pas tant. També si fes falta tinc un "carretó"
Busco 4 persones per fer un partida del DIXIT El joc el porto jo. serem 5 , jo també. Hauria de ser al Bar de Can Ninetes. Un Dilluns o Dimecres a la tarda. Adults que tinguin un mínim de coneixement de jocs de taula. Pago 15 minuts a cada un. Màxim 5) - Maria s'ha apuntat - Gemma s'ha apuntat
Leisure / Arts / Crafts / Music jocs de taula
Soy una persona que disfruta con la música y quería aprender y mejorar en piano....
Soy una persona que disfruta con la música y me gustaría que me enseñaran a perfeccionar guitarra...
Busco a alguien que me acompañe a comprar ropa. Estoy interesado en la ropa de segunda mano. Necesito una opinión para elegir prendas y encontrar lo que realmente me quede bien. ¡Un rato agradable de compras con buen consejo y compañía!
Consulting ropa ir de compras ropa usada moda
Necesito encontrar un lugar en donde poder vivir y trabajar. Requiero ayuda para la búsqueda.
Our upsewing group have made some fabulous toiletry bags & I’d love to fill them with goodies to send to Patea Resthome in the next couple weeks. If you have any hotel soaps, shampoos, skincare sample sachets, face wipes, or anything else you can think of …..happy to trade 1hr timecredit for few items :) Can pickup around South Taranaki
Health & Wellbeing Te Hāwera Community Activities
I still need help sorting my back store room of clothing for sale. Everything’s on hangers and has a numbered tag. Mostly in numerical order already just need to put away new items. Happy to do with you, just one of those jobs i procrastinate with!
Help at Home Organising Sorting Hawera Help at Home
Have you heard of Body Doubling? It's a great way to get things done when you're feeling stuck. The other person could be on a call or in person and can be helping you or just there, doing their own thing. I need a support person by my side to encourage and motivate me to complete basic unpacking and organising tasks around my home. I would love it to be in person but would consider a call as well. Need several sessions over the next few weeks.
Help at Home Help at Home House clean cleaning Sorting