
Conversación en catalán

Busco a alguien que me enseñe a hablar el catalán.


Kaitaia - has anyone got an old MP3 player

I need something to play bird sounds on. Contact via landline

Otros Wanted

Wanting a recording of Minor bird terratorial call

I am needing someone who has or would be able to search the internet for the territorial call of the minor bird. I will get this transferred to an MP3 player or such like so I can attract them to a trap. contact via landline

Otros Computer Technology Garden

Kaitaia - need someone to adapt an MP3 player

Needing someone who can adapt an old MP3 player to work through an old speaker and attach to a 12 v battery so it can run bird sounds outside over a long period of time. Please contact via landline

Otros maintenance Computer

Asesoramiento legal en tema laboral

Necesito un poco de asesoramiento legal u otro punto de vista en un tema laboral. Tengo que hacer una demanda, pero tengo tanto material ( texto, gráfico y audio) que me cuesta seleccionar y colocar lo más importante en la demanda. También me podríais recomendar alguien que sepa hacerlo.


Aprender a cocinar

Cocina variada


Conversación de temas de actualidad

Conversaciones interesantes


Repair Cafe Kaitaia needs a sign painted

The Menz Shed is making a wooden frame for the Repair Cafe, we just need someone to paint the Repair Cafe logo on it to go in front of the Repair Cafe on our open day (last Saturday of the month). Paint is provided as well as guidance to the look of the sign. Contact if you can help!


Support amb xarxes socials per autònoma

Sóc autònoma des de fa molt poquet, i això de donar-me a conèixer a les xarxes, fer reels, un calendari de contingut, etc no se'm dóna gaire bé. Si hi ha algú que em pot donar un cop de mà, ho agrairia molt!

Asesoramiento autonoms emprenedoria informàtica xarxes socials

Clases de escritura en catalán

Lo hablo correctamente, pero quiero aprender a escribir con corrección


Hāwera - massive garden needs seedlings transplanted, weeding and seeding and clearing beds to plant during Winter at Goldbush

Weeding, seeding, transplanting, lots to do even in Winter! Happy to have multiple Timebankers over several days carrying out this work (you don't have to do all of it!). Let me know what you're able to do, standing to seed into trays, or cultivating with tools or hand weeding, lots of options.

Tareas domésticas Kai Resilience Garden

Limpieza filtro aire acondicionado

El aire acondiciondo me gotea al cabo de un rato de usarlo, creo que es el filtro que est sucio.

Otros reparacions aire

Conversa a catalá

He estudiat l'A1 de català i necessito fer conversa

Otros Idiomes conversacion

Hosting a Timebank social event

Would you like to get to know your Timebanking neighbours better, or simply find out who they are?! Social events are a great way to connect and network, and even if you don't set up a Timebank exchange there and then just from having chatted to someone can help you know who to ask directly when you need a hand. Our social events are usually pot luck, with the host providing any hot drinks. Worried about the clean-up afterwards? We can put out a request for someone to help out with that, or setting up if you need to move things around or get to those things in high up cupboards that you don't use very often! Turn out can vary hugely from a handful to a houseful; if you feel that you'd rather have a smaller event that's fine, they can often be better for getting to know your closer Timebanking neighbours, and have conversations that include everyone at the same time. There's no fixed time or day, so if you'd rather do a Morning or Afternoon tea than a lunch or early evening meal that's just fine, you don't even have to hold it at your own home, you can suggest a local park or beach for a picnic - these are particularly popular with families, just keep an eye on the weather forecast! If you'd like to make it an event where a coordinator gives a short talk about Timebanking to your friends and whānau who are interested we can do that too. If any of this sounds like something you'd be keen to do contact your Local Coordinator is you have one, or Paula Walker on if you live in Whangaroa-Kerikeri, Te Pēwhairangi/BOI, or Kaikohe-Hokianga. They'll help you gets something set up and publicised at a level you're comfortable with.

Acompañamiento Help our Timebank networking social events

Clases de ingles - conversa

busco clases de ingles para aprender bien el idioma. Gracias


Kaitaia: Volunteers of all ages welcome at the community garden!

Kia ora Timebankers! Our community garden is not a community garden without a community. Are you interested in sharing your knowledge and experience, and learning from others in a garden context? Are you interested to learn how to grow your own (organic) food? Are you keen to just help out for a couple of hours in the garden on a Tuesday or Thursday morning, and take fresh organic food home? Do you just want to come along to chat about gardening and maybe bring some questions? Our garden is open to all. If you have any questions or want to express interest in joining us, please message us by replying to this request! The garden is behind Kaitaia Community House at 12 Puckey Ave, and open sessions for volunteers are Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8-10AM (summer hours) or 9am - 11am (Winter hours). If that time doesn't work for you but you're still keen to come down, send us a message, and we'll see what we can do!

Salud Health & Wellbeing Help at Home Diet & Nutrition Garden Plants & Produce


M’agrada anar a cinema (Trufaut) Potser amb algú per després comentar peli.

Ocio oci

Estética. Micropigmentación

Quisiera probar la micropigmentación más básica que haya.











M'agradaria participar en excursions


Ocio excursions

Clases básicas de Castellano
Demanda grupal

Somos un centro de día en el barrio de San Francisco. Trabajamos con personas en exclusión social y estamos muy interesados en una persona voluntaria que nos diera clases básicas de castellano. Nuestros chicos y chicas están muy motivados y lo reclaman constantemente.

Clases sortarazi euskera clases voluntariado voluntario

col.locar una tira de leds

De nou. I que quedin ben fixats. La corrent arriba a lloc.

Tareas domésticas llar treballsdelallar electricidad

reparació d'un reg automàtic

Tareas domésticas Bricolatge - reparacions domèstiques