
Keri to kaitaia small delivery

I have two sewing machines that I would love to get to kaitaia for a gentleman to repair for me and back again if anyone goes up their fairly regularly Thank you

Otros Transport

Volunteer Youth Mentor

Are you aged 18 or over? Do you live in North Canterbury? Do have one hour free in your weekly schedule? If you answered 'YES!' to all of the above and want make a positive impact on a young person's life, YOU are invited to apply for the role of volunteer mentor! As a mentor, you will be professionally matched with a vulnerable child in your direct community and for one hour, once a week you’ll spend time together sharing hobbies and interests. The rangatahi (young people) in our programme are aged between 6 and 11 and are not high needs, but are children who need a bit of extra support and attention due to circumstances beyond their control. Activities you and your mentee might take part in may include; walking the dog, going for a hot chocolate, shooting some basketball hoops, baking or getting crafty... it's all about doing things you both enjoy and just spending time together, one-on-one. Throughout your time matched (a minimum of one year), our Mentoring Coordinators will be there to support and guide you along the way, with resources and activities (i.e. board games, craft materials) available if needed. You will also be invited to regular 'Match Events' where you can connect with other volunteers and rangatahi in the programme. The process of becoming a mentor includes an informal information session at our Rangiora office, followed by an application form, police check, formal interview and training session. On average, it can take about 6 to 8 weeks to complete the training process. Make a difference in your community and apply to join the Big Brothers Big Sisters team today! Find out more; Website, Facebook or Instagram, email or call 03 310 7004.     

Acompañamiento Community Activities Community Service

Whangarei: Tetra Pak upcycling!

Calling all Tetra Pak users - they are now being upcycled into low carbon building materials by a kiwi company based in Hamilton. If you live on the Tutukaka Coast, then just drop them off at the Ngunguru Sports Centre, where there's a couple of collection bins in the carpark. If you live in Whangarei, then please bring your rinsed out & flattened cartons to He Awhi Rito, 8 First Avenue, Whangarei. Janey will pick them up from there and take them to Ngunguru on her way home.


Whangarei: Gumboots needed!
Demanda grupal

Whitebait Connection are looking for donations of any sized gumboots for their schools educational programmes. Some kids arrive without footwear and without them they can't join in the wetland programme. Please drop them off at He Awhi Rito Envirohub on First Avenue, Whangarei. If the door isn't open, please leave them in the porch by the door. As a timebank member, let me know when you've done this, and i can give you a time credit! Thank you!



Euskara ikasten ari naiz, eta gustura aurkituko nuke norbait hitz egiteko eta nire akatsak errepasatzeko, gramatika kontzeptuak ahozko hizkuntzan txertatzen ditudan bitartean. Ikaskuntzarekin konprometitutako pertsona naiz, eta hainbat gairi buruzko elkarrizketa esanguratsuak izatea gozatzen dut. Uste dut praktika erregularra funtsezkoa dela hizkuntza batean hobetzeko, eta gustatuko litzaidake modu erregularrean praktikatzeko norbait aurkitzea. Euskara ikasi nahi baduzu edo zure hizkuntza-trebetasunak partekatu nahi badituzu, ez izan zalantzarik nirekin harremanetan jartzeko! Ziur nago elkarrekin asko ikas dezakegula eta truke esperientzia aberasgarriaz goza dezakegula. Espero dut laster ezagutu eta gure abentura euskalgintzan elkarrekin hastea!

Clases Clases hizkuntza

Excursions, Sortides, Xerrades.
Demanda grupal

Ocio excursions sortides conversar

M'agradaria participar en excursions, converses.
Demanda grupal

Excursions, sortides a la natura, converses.

Ocio excursions sortides convivencia conversar

M'agradaria participar en excursions, converses.

Ocio excursions sortides muntanya convivencia conversar

Conversación en inglés

Me gustaría mejorar mi inglés. ¿Me ayudas?

Clases inglés

Acompañamiento para poder ensayar canciones

Busco un/a pianista que me pueda grabar algunos acompañamientos para poder ensayar en casa, no todo lo que busco está colgado en internet...

Acompañamiento musica piano


Buenos dias Estoy haciendo obras en el piso y busco alguien para ayudarme a hacer la limpieza cuando acaben. Gracias

Tareas domésticas neteja limpieza tareas domesticas

Muntatge del vídeo del Banc del Temps
Demanda grupal

Gairebé tenim enllestides les gravacions del vídeo promocional del Banc del Temps. Algú ens podria ajudar a muntar el vídeo?

Asesoramiento muntar vídeo

Rubbish Cleanup volunteers Whangarei

March Love Whangarei Monthly Clean Up Sunday 10th March 10am – 12pm This is a post Fritter Festival clean up of the items left behind by people on their way to and their way home from the event. Meeting: Okara stadium carpark When: Sunday 10th March, 10am till 12pm Area: We will be cleaning up along the shared paths and roadsides leading to Okara Stadium and down to the stream. We will supply: gloves, buckets, bags, highvis, sanitizer, sunblock, first aid and water. You need to bring: clothes you don’t mind getting dirty, sturdy shoes and motivation.

Otros Community Service Clean-up / Recycling Whangārei

Claus de pas de la banyera

Necessitaria canviar les claus del pas d'aigua del bany ja que s'han quedat trabades.

Tareas domésticas bricolatge


Puc menester que em facin arranjements de roba

Tareas domésticas Roba cosir COSTURA


Puc necessitar petites reparacions ipintura en general

Tareas domésticas petites reparacions a la llar pintura bricolatge

Demanda grupal

M'agradaria formar part de les sortides del Banc del Temps Cambrils.

Ocio excursions sortides muntanya


En certs moments puc menester serveis de jardinertia

Tareas domésticas jardineria arbres poda

Demanda grupal

M'agradaria participar en les sortides a la muntanya

Ocio excursions sports sortides

Waipapa. Chainsaw pruning.

Need help pruning overgrown shrubs and trees (nothing too big), and cutting up the branches. I can provide the necessary petrol and oil. I prefer email contact initially, thank you.

Tareas domésticas gardening chainsawing

Requesting jars for preserving

Kia ora, I'm on the look out for jars and their good condition lids suitable to reuse for preserving. Eg: jam jars, pickles etc. Not keen on any that still smell of what used to be in them. If you have a well intended box of jars put aside but no longer need them for yourself, I'd be interested 😉 Kerikeri/kaeo area

Otros food cooking preserving jars kitchen

ayuda en programación/informática

Necesito hacer unos pocos cambios en la programación de mi blog en blogger, en HTML

Asesoramiento informática página web Blogger

Grup de joc per adolescents

El meu fill Biel busca amics per a jugar a Dungeons & Dragons, un joc de fantasia medieval en què cada jugador interpreta un personatge. Si tens un fill/filla entre 12-15 anys i vol venir a provar una partida, escriu-nos :-) Es gratis, no es a canvi de temps ni res.

Ocio oci jocs

Cherche 5 brouettes de tout venant pour reboucher des nids de poule.

Comme chaque année les nids poule réapparaissent sur notre chemin. Si vous avez environ 5 brouettes de gros gravier ça m'intéresse. Merci


Busco Grup Teatral

Tinc certa formació/experiència en interpretació i direcció teatral a nivell amateur. I cerco grup teatral per poder-m'hi afegir o si algú sap d'algun grup de Girona i rodalies on busquin nous membres. Gràcies.

Otros teatre