Requests Work For Social Change

Website design feedback needed

We need someone who has the time to check over our website and let us know if there is anything that doesn't look quite right, could be improved, needs added etc etc etc! You don't need to be a techy, just someone who uses websites and has a good idea of what 'looks right', and would be useful to have access to. Anna (doing the website) has got to the point where she can't see for looking, and the rest of the coordination team are too busy with their own work! If you are a Wix whizz however any tech support would be very gratefully received!

Consulting Work For Social Change Help Our Organisation web changes

Timebanking Tales needed

We're always on the lookout for Timebanker Tales for sharing. Being able to share photos and stories about Timebanking exchanges and experiences helps to inspire others to get involved and provides great feedback to our funders about the impact Timebanking has on the lives of our members. Timecredits are paid for your contributions too! Contributions can be short and sweet sentences or paragraphs that we can quote or full stories in themselves. If you haven't a story of your own to share but love writing we can help you scratch that journalistic itch by putting you in touch with other Timebank members with stories to share!

Admin and Tech help Community Activities Work For Social Change Special Projects Help Our Organisation

Garden help Rawene

Te Ara Rongoa needs volunteers to help with a wide range of activities, including planting, weeding, digging, clearing, composting to develop the hospital grounds organically and regeneratively. The project manager, Jessie McVeagh, is at the garden most mornings from 9am. Contact her if you are interested in helping out.  

Other Community Activities Special Projects Work For Social Change Group Projects

Require an MC

Dunedin Timebank requires an MC for their event Organised Sharing. The event is on the 27th of September, 5pm till 7pm.  Speakers will be talking about alternative currencies and how we can bring communities together.

Other Help Our TimeBank! Work For Social Change