
Teràpies energètiques - Diagnòstic dels "problemes" i la seva sanació

Si tens una preocupació, ja sigui per un tema de salut o bé emocional, faig una diagnosi i un "tractament" per la seva sanació. És a través d'una nova teràpia anomenada Sphere Reset ( Normalment es fa a distància, i per tant no cal el contacte físic.

Health & Wellbeing salut teràpia teràpies alternatives emocions preocupacions terapeuta

Kerikeri - Wellness Workshop Space

The Inside Out Wellness Hub - PHA Waipapa, has small group space available for health, healing or wellness workshops or presentations. Max 10 people. Could be a one off event or a course. Available after 6:30pm Mondays or Wednesdays and full day on Sundays. 1 Time credit for 2 hours use. Workshop outline must be in alignment with the values of the Hub. Heart-centred, empowering people to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing.

Health & Wellbeing Community Service workshops Community Activities hire space Health & Wellbeing

New Plymouth: Cycling around town with you to build your confidence!

I've been cycling pretty much every day for the past 5 years. 3.5 years in Wellington and about 1.5 years in New Plymouth! :) Happy to spend some time with you to show you the best way to cycle around town. Maybe from your neighbourhood to town or to your workplace! Pretty much anywhere you would like to go! :)

Health & Wellbeing Cycling Commute Transport – Local New Plymouth Active Transport

New Plymouth; Natural Movement coaching

Would you love to create a stronger, more resilient body that is capable of doing what you love (gardening, traveling, hiking, cycling, dancing!?) and keep on doing those activities well into your old age? Movement is essential for health - exercise is not! Don't accept what everyone tells you that aches and pains are inevitable. Whether you're 28 or 68, moving more in ways that bring you joy, is so important in this day and age when technology has eliminated so much of the need to move. Create strength and fitness while strengthening your connection with your natural environment and community, by incorporating movement into your day. A little bit about me: I'm a postgrad student studying exercise physiology, and I've worked with clients from 18 through to 68. I love being outdoors, I love to climb and hike. I'm New Plymouth based.

Health & Wellbeing Exercise Plans Sports Health & Wellbeing Active Transport Personal Trainer Gym Fitness & Exercise Sustainability Biking Jogging Walking New Plymouth

Activitat en l'hort social

Oferim fer activitats al hort social

Health & Wellbeing hort actividades

Caminades inclusives
Group offer

Vols participar en les caminades inclusives? Està previst que comencin el dia 20 d'octubre, i es faran els divendres d'11.00 a 12.00h. Per a informació i participar-hi, contacta directament amb la Montse Ropero al telèfon 630 563 968. Anima-t'hi!

Health & Wellbeing salut caminades oci inclusiu

Caminades per la rodalia de Vilafranca del Penedès (cap de setmana)

Health & Wellbeing

Escoltar persones que necessitin ser escoltades.

Health & Wellbeing

Terapies complementaries

Ofereixo teràpies complementaries (Reiki)

Health & Wellbeing reiki

Autoestima y Mindfulness

¿Crees que si tienes confianza en ti mismo y una autoestima sana podrás alcanzar mejor aquello que te propongas tanto en ámbito del amor, laboral, personal..? Si tu respuesta es sí, me encantará conocerte.

Health & Wellbeing


Health & Wellbeing salut creixement personal cos


Acompanyament a persones grans, si han d'anar a algun lloc o a fer un passeig, hores a concretar amb cada persona

Health & Wellbeing

Massatges de reflexologia podal

Health & Wellbeing

Private Gym + Personal Training

I am a fully qualified personal trainer who owns & runs a substantially equipped private gym and I am looking to open it up to time bank members. I am offering the first PT session for free (no time bank credits required) with the following three PT sessions being for time bank credit plus $20 per session. This will allow for the development of a personalized training program while ensuring that you know how to use the equipment safely. Unsupervised use of the gym following these initial four sessions will be for time bank credits only, with a six weekly PT check in session for time bank credits plus $20 to reassess and calibrate your personalized program. Please note the gym is based in Hawera (south Taranaki) and as it is on private land bookings will be essential

Health & Wellbeing Fitness & Exercise Gym Personal Trainer Hawera

Manaia, Lemons

I have an abundance of lemons to share. One TimeBank hour per shopping bag. Bridgette 021 084 33438

Health & Wellbeing manaia lemons

Manaia. Use of wheelchair.

I have a lightweight wheelchair available to loan out. Folds up to pop in the car. More suitable for temporary measures as opposed to a heavy wheelchair with controls. Daily hire is three TimeBank hours. Want to know more? P. Bridgette 021 084 33438

Health & Wellbeing wheelchair manaia short term

Aigua de mar

Ofereixo aigua de mar neta i cristal·lina per fer teràpia recollida en aigües mar endins al cap de Creus nord sense impureses tòxiques com en voltants de Barcelona i maresme. Dos litres a canvi de 15 minuts de temps. 15 minuts més afegits si les porto a domicili. Feu salut companys!

Health & Wellbeing Dieta alimentació nutrició


Puc fer sessions d'himpnosis clínica terapèutica

Health & Wellbeing salut hipnósis terapies alternatives

EFT o tapping (técnica de liberación de bloqueos emocionales)

Cuando tenemos un problema emocional, también existen un o varios bloqueos en nuestros meridianos, esa red energético donde se encuentran los puntos de acupuntura. Estimulamos puntos en la cara, tronco superior y manos para reestablecer el flujo energético en los meridianos centrándonos en el problema emocional. Puedo hacerlo en persona o también a través de una videollamada

Health & Wellbeing tapping EFT técnica de liberación emocional

Reflexología para mejorar la conexión entre mente y cuerpo

Ofrezco un tratamiento alternativo para mejorar tus habilidades mentales con la ayuda de la reflexología facial en combinación con la reflexología podal y/o de la mano. El tratamiento te ayudará a: . mejorar la concentración . toma de decisiones . controlar mejor la mente . controlar el propio comportamiento . fomentar el pensamiento positivo . obtener metas personales . aumentar la motivación y . la confianza en tí mismo Con este tratamiento se consigue una mejor comunicación entre todos los sistemas y órganos del cuerpo para que estén en una constante comunicación entre sí. La reflexología facial permite además una profunda relajación y proporciona un ligero efecto lifting facial. Se puede combinar el tratamiento con EFT, digitopuntura y meditación para lograr a cubrir mejor aspectos emocionales. Más información: Por persona ofrezco 2 sesiones a través del Banco del Tiempo. Tratamiento también apto para niños.

Health & Wellbeing reflexología terapias alternativas EFT meditación emociones


Puc fer teràpies de Reiki i Massatges terapèutics.

Health & Wellbeing Massatges reiki terapies alternatives


Puc donar consells mèdics, sòc metge

Health & Wellbeing salut medicina consells sanitat

Group offer

Puc fer Xerrades de temes sanitaris, sempre que vulgueu

Health & Wellbeing xerrades salut sanitat


Puc ajudar a persones grans ,que ho necessitin, puc aconsellar en nutrició sana i natural, i donar consells d' estética

Health & Wellbeing estètica acompanyament nutrició geriatria

Food intolerance help and support

I have 10 years personal experience and knowledge of food intolerance and happy to help/support anyone who is struggling with intolerance or suspected intolerance to salicylate, amines, sulphites, gluten and/or oxalates.

Health & Wellbeing allergies food intolerance Health & Wellbeing