
Terapeuta Gestalt

T acompanyo si estàs passant per un moment difícil


Vegetable garden

I’ve got the start of a vegetable garden available for anyone wanting to dig in and co-create something beautiful out of this space for both your family and mine. It was a project that started about a year ago and has gone quiet, I’d love to rekindle the project once a week with more passion and purpose.

Salud kaitaia

COmpartiendo construir un Mundo sano y amoroso en contacto con la naturaleza

Compartir sesiones de Yoga Terapéutico, y ejercicios adaptados a alguna patología. Con técnicas de movimiento, movilizaciones y respiración consciente Masajes relajante, descontracturante y Ayurvedico con aceites personalizados según necesidades. Sesiones de Kinesologia Cuantica, presencial y a distancia. Compartir conocimientos de accesos, usos de recursos socio-culturales y redes para personas migrantes.

Salud masaje yoga respiración terapeutico naturaleza respirar


Salud Benestar

Flors de Bach

Salud flors bach

Trabajar salud mental

Escucha activa

Salud escucha activa salud mental

M'ofereixo a fer excursions a peu al voltant de Sant Sadurní, pensades per a persones a qui agradi caminar (unes 3-4 hores).

Salud Caminades senderisme

Musicoteràpia per a dones
Oferta grupal

Us crida l'atenció la musicoteràpia? Vine a participar d'un grup de musicoteràpia per a dones. Sessions el primer divendres de cada mes a les 10h del matí, a Vic. Si us ve de gust, escriviu a bdt.vic@gmail.com o al 643 05 96 81.

Salud salut benestar relaxació dones musica musicoterapia

Grup de meditació
Oferta grupal

Voleu formar part d'un grup de meditació? La proposta seria els dijous de 15.30 a 16.30h, a l'entorn de Vic. Si us ve de gust, escriviu a bdt.vic@gmail.com o al 643 05 96 81.

Salud relaxació benestar salut meditació



Flors de Bach


Testing 2

Testing - Dunedin Timebank List 1 List 2

Salud Yoga / Meditation


Et puc ajudar a COMBINAR bé els aliments per tal de millorar la teva digestió, aprimar-te i tenir més energia. M'ofereixo a acompanyar-te per fer un canvi d'hàbits alimentaris i que et puguis trobar millor. També et puc aportar receptes ben combinades per confeccionar un menú saludable i al teu gust.

Salud alimentació nutrició dietètica salut acompanyament


Massatge amb bio energia

Salud Benestar


Acompañamiento en el duelo



Cura de nens, malalts, avis..

Salud salut


Assessorament mèdic i dental

Salud salut


Especialment acompanyament mèdic

Salud salut

Oferir reiki




Kombucha making lesson including a scoby

Learn how to make delicious home brew kombucha and receive a scoby starter to get you brewing. Samples of finished product provided as part of the lesson. I will come to you if it's not too far. Kombucha is a healthy addition to your well being. All fermented foods help the digestive system and even contribute vitamin B. They are a nice,  very low sugar fizzy drink when brewed properly.  

Salud Health & Wellbeing Diet & Nutrition

Help create a dairy free vegetarian kitchen including recipes

I can assist you making the transition to gluten free, dairy free and vegetarian/vegan cooking by suggesting what to stock in your kitchen. Will include recipes for scones, lemon curd, veggie loaf and more.

Salud Health & Wellbeing Education Help at Home Diet & Nutrition Classes / Workshops Food / Drink

Biomagnetism treatments

I'd like to offer biomagnetism treatments. This non-invasive therapy consists of using muscle testing to detect imbalances in the body. Magnets are then applied to specific points for varying lengths of time to help the body return to homeostasis. This therapy was developed by Mexican doctor Dr Isaac Goiz and has been known to be effective for all sorts of health conditions and alments.  Contra indications are pregnancy and where electrical devices have been placed in the body (such as a pacemaker.) Otherwise it is safe to use with all medications and conventional treatments.  A treatment takes about 90mins.

Salud Health & Wellbeing Complementary Therapies

Ahipara - Scoby for Kombucha making

Culture for Kombucha making (scoby). Beautiful taste. Quite big so would suit bigger type jar. I can provide an instruction sheet if necessary.

Salud Health & Wellbeing Diet & Nutrition

Ahipara - Organic rye sourdough starter

Organic rye sourdough starter to make you own sourdough bread. Can provide recipe to go with it.

Salud Health & Wellbeing Diet & Nutrition