
Much needed rental ASAP

Kia Ora koutou I am in need of a house rental ASAP. The property I'm in is very unsafe and have to leave ASAP. Mostly looking for a furnished property must be in town Kaitaia or very close to town for work purposes. I have tried everything available with real estate with no luck, so thought going to try on here as well. I am very house proud, sole parent, have great references, looking for preferably long term, considering all options even boarding at this stage. Nga mihi

Help at Home kaitaia Rent Ahipara rental

Ajuda per fer neteja de la llar i planxa

Help at Home

Pintar sala petita

Bones! Estic buscant qui em vulgui ajudar a pintar una sala petita! Gràcies

Help at Home

Cambio de interruptor luz. Arreglos de costura

Help at Home

bricolaje casero

Colgar cuadros, instalar lámpara y alguna cosilla más

Help at Home bricolaje doméstico pequeñas reparaciones domésticas


Necessito que algú m'ajudi a fer petites reparacions.

Help at Home bricolatge Manetes


Buenos dias Estoy haciendo obras en el piso y busco alguien para ayudarme a hacer la limpieza cuando acaben. Gracias

Help at Home neteja limpieza tareas domesticas


Puc menester que em facin arranjements de roba

Help at Home Roba cosir COSTURA


Puc necessitar petites reparacions ipintura en general

Help at Home petites reparacions a la llar pintura bricolatge


En certs moments puc menester serveis de jardinertia

Help at Home jardineria arbres poda

Waipapa. Chainsaw pruning.

Need help pruning overgrown shrubs and trees (nothing too big), and cutting up the branches. I can provide the necessary petrol and oil. I prefer email contact initially, thank you.

Help at Home gardening chainsawing


Necesito acortar varias piezas de ropa (vstidoso pantalones)y hacer dobladillo de los bajos

Help at Home


Necesito saber de alguien que me pueda cuidar puntualmente, mi mascota: perrito,(BICHON MALTES TOY) Si tengo que ausentarme por unos días M.GRACIAS! Contactar al tf :626541592

Help at Home


A vegades necessito ajuda per temes d'electricitat o penjar estanteries...per exemple. Bricolatge casolà d`aquet estil.

Help at Home bricolatge

House sitter needed 20.03-25.03. - Kaeo

We need a house sitter from 20.03. til 25.03.24. We have a lovely dog, an elderly cat, chickens and a garden (watering) to look after. Single or couple. Not too sure on what to offer in regards to time credits, open to suggestions.

Help at Home house sitting dog sitting

Eltham - New Fencing and fence repairs - we have the tools

We are in desperate need of new fencing and fence repairs on our lifestyle block in Rawhitiroa (just east of Eltham). 

Help at Home Help at Home Garden All Other Services

New Plymouth - Help with exterior windows

i could really do with some help with my exterior windows, i have whats needed, tools and knowledge but not the energy

Help at Home Help at Home

Kakaramea- Wash my gorgeous cottage windows and make them gleam!

Nothing too high, all supplies are here, just need an enthusiastic person to wash down the windows.

Help at Home Housekeeping / Chores cleaning

Kakaramea- Help with housework in our quaint cottage

We would love someone to come out and us a hand with some general housework, lots of options to cater to your abilities and time.

Help at Home cleaning

Limpieza de lamas y cristales.

Mi estado de salud no me permite hacer grandes esfuerzos. AGRADECERIA que me pudiérais ajudar.

Help at Home treballsdelallar


Ayuda en mudanzas.

Help at Home

Servicios de cocina

Help at Home cocina

Manos para sembrar
Group request

Junto con mi madre estamos trabajando bastante en nuestro proyecto de vida que queremos que a futuro sea un espacio ecológico y artístico autosustentable con bosque comestible, permacultura y santuario animal. La finca queda en Cachipay - Cundinamarca, y necesitamos muchas manos para el estudio de la tierra, la bioconstrucción/tradicional, recolección de frutas, recolección de café, siembra de árboles frutales, siembra en general, limpieza y mantenimiento de la finca, cocina y todas las labores del campo. Nos encantaría poder trabajar con agrónomos, ing. civiles, arquitectos, ing. ambientales, pero no sabes de campo y quisieras aprender, también es un espacio ideal. Este espacio, absolutamente todxs son bienvenidxs. Luz y amor para todxs ¡¡Lxs esperamos!!

Help at Home finca nature lover sembrar Permacultura trabajo de campo

Kaeo - Gardening

Help weeding, general garden cleanup Nice river and big waterhole to cool off after 🥰

Help at Home gardening Plants & Produce kaeo

Sewing: Kitchen Window Blinds

The material on my kitchen window blind is fraying and the whole thing probably needs to be replaced. Would anyone be able to sow a big blind for me? I have a picture and dimensions of the blind that I can email to anyone interested in offering to help. I'll supply the material and thread and whatever else is needed, just not keen on doing the actual sewing! ;-) Thank you! 0225251177

Help at Home sewing