Requests Garden

Waste Warriors for Sustainable Taranaki

We’re looking for volunteers to help us out with: 🎉 Zero Waste Events 🧑‍🌾 Community Gardens 🌿 Nature Clean-ups ♻️ Recycling 🌏 Education & Community Events like Earth Day, Plastic Free July, World Clean-up Day etc. 🥕 Composting and Gardening (including the Sustainable Backyards Trail) Become part of a fun community that is helping to make Taranaki more liveable! Sustainable Taranaki will provide you with: relevant learning materials and training opportunities. a safe and friendly volunteering environment. communications about training, events and Sustainable Taranaki projects. social opportunities for volunteers to enjoy. acknowledgment and recognition of your contribution to the organisation. a developing rewards programme. work experience and a verbal reference. opportunities to up-skill within your volunteer role and commitment. As a volunteer, we ask that you be an engaged and compassionate volunteer from sharing skills and experience to attending trainings, events and helping with Sustainable Taranaki's projects. To volunteer for us please fill out the volunteer registration form found on our website

Other gardening Garden Help our Organisation Education Events Community Activities Clean-up / Recycling


Need help to maintain our big garden with weeding. It will probably take around 5 hours total to do it all. I have a big section !! :) :)

Other Garden

Gardening help

I have a large garden and struggling to keep on top of the weeds etc. Unfortunately we live in Westerfield, 20kms out of Tinwald, which may put helpers off, but I can help with petrol costs and you will be rewarded with beautiful scenery and my fridge is always full with refreshments. I'm so desperate I will award double time credits. 

Help at Home Help at Home Garden


I have moved to a nice place with a beautiful garden. I am not coping, please help :) 

Help at Home Help at Home Housekeeping / Chores Garden Garden advice

Pruning 1 plum tree and 1 peach

We have a plum tree and a peach tree in our backyard and would be nice to have them pruned ( I am not sure when is the best time to do this though) 

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Oakura: Tree trimmings for goats

If you are pruning feijoa, karo, lemonwood, bay, ficus I'd like small amounts of those cuttings to feed to my two goats as treats. I'm located in Oakura so near to me is best. Elayne

Help at Home Help at Home Garden Surplus Fruit / Veggie & Preserves

Gardener wanted ongoing

Eclectic Rock Garden. With Wildflowers. Mainly Grass and unwanted plants (weeds). Average an hour weekly. Every week or in blocks of time. Whalers Gate area.  

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Garden weeding - Hawera

I would like help with my garden weeding of overgrown grass including in amongst my herbs.   Help would be great though and help with green house planting seeds propagation etc. Free plants and time given. Also clearing long grass.

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NP: Garden help please

My small garden beds need some attention from time to time. It’s not arduous, and we can share the mahi. View my profile for contact details. I make a great cuppa and bikkies Cheers, Davey

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