I have a 2 storied house where the birds love making nests in the corners. I need to get rid of them either from the outside, which is high in places, or from within the roofspace. I can't get up there because of my injured hip. Please help as they are getting a bit smelly! Michelle phone 0274160625
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birds nests
October 05, 2023
I’m not much of a gardener and my back doesn’t thank me when I try! Have some big weeds that need to be pulled, a pile of branches that need cutting up and some light pruning. I have all the tools avail and would appreciate your help
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October 03, 2023
Tinc una porta d'un armari que va caure fa temps i necessito algú que tingui traça per possar-la. Moltes gràcies
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September 13, 2023
Puntualmente demando. Electricista y Fontanero.
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September 12, 2023
Tinc interés en tallers de manualitats i consells de la vida diària
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September 08, 2023
Has anyone or two got the muscle power to dig up an agapanthus? If you like it you can even keep it!
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Special Projects
September 04, 2023
We need someone to clean our aluminium windows and ranch sliders please. - we are both in our 80s and I am a wheelchair user.
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Housekeeping / Chores
August 28, 2023
Necessito algú que m'ajudi a desencallar una porta d'armari corredera. Potser s'ha malmès alguna cosa perquè no hi ha manera de posar-la al riell
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August 28, 2023
I loaded the farm trailer with garden prunings before the rain and it has become too heavy to lift onto the quad bike. Need help lifting it and emptying onto bonfire pile in the wee paddock
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August 22, 2023
Necessito algún manetes que em pugui posar una porta d'un armari petit que va caure.
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August 17, 2023
Puc necessitar ajuda en petites reparacions a casa meva
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petites reparacions a la llar
August 15, 2023
esporadicament puc necessitar petites reparacions a casa meva
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petites reparacions a la llar
August 15, 2023
Puc necessitar, esporadicament, ajut a casa en petites reparacions i jardineria de la meva terrassa.
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petites reparacions a la llar
August 14, 2023
I'm after a little help in the garden at home please! There's always something to do, I've got established orchards and herbs, raised vege beds, a glasshouse with seedlings on a 17 acre property.
After someone with a little strength for the heavy tasks I can't manage, and also knowledge about plants would be great. Helping with pruning and digging and tidying around the place.
Tuesdays and Thursdays in the mornings would be awesome, for a couple of hours. Please contact to discuss further.
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Help at Home
August 07, 2023
Vdria rebra consells de cuina o classes, en general
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August 01, 2023
Esporadicament, necessito ajut a llar per a petites reparacions.
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tasques domèstiques
July 31, 2023
Necesito alguien que pueda arreglar un grifo, colgar un cuadro, arreglar un enchufe. Si hay alguien manitas por aquí, genial!!!
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July 31, 2023
M'agaradaria rebre ajuda en tasques de jardineria.
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tasques domèstiques
July 31, 2023
Necessito ajuda amb arranjaments de roba.
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tasques domèstiques
July 31, 2023
De manera puntual, puc necessitar petites reparacions a la meva llar.
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July 24, 2023
Pequeños arreglos en prendas de vestir
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July 22, 2023
Necesito instalar las manetas en las puertas.
Para eso se solicita un profesional de fusteria.
También un profesional para pintar paredes y techo.
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July 21, 2023
Necessito alguna persona que sàpiga canviar una aixeta de la cuina. Gràcies
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July 21, 2023
Necesito ayuda para el traslado para el 20 de agosto de 2023, para mover unos muebles
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July 19, 2023