
Demanda grupal

Bona tarda, gent!! Necesito posar parquet a una habitació GRÀCIES!! Contesteu per escrit vía correo oh wattsap

Tareas domésticas llar


Algú que entengui de plantes i em pugui ajudar amb un petit jardí que tinc a la terrassa

Tareas domésticas flors plantes jardí

Ordenar armario

Categorías de ropa

Tareas domésticas

Tareas de casa


Tareas domésticas

Reparaciones domésticas

Tareas domésticas pequeñas reparaciones domésticas


Puc necessitar algú per a fer qualsevol cosa a casa.

Tareas domésticas bricolatge jardineria Arranjaments

window clean

Kia ora Just need the windows in my lounge and kitchen cleaned

Tareas domésticas

Patio tidy up

Kia ora I have a patio area that needs a tidy up, not a big job just a pain to get done. Thanks Liz

Tareas domésticas Outdoor tidy up

Easy re-heat meals please

I live with my Dad and he has recently had a stroke. I'm finding things a bit tough and wonder if anyone would be happy to cook some simple meals for us? If yes, please let me know how much it will be to cover the cost of ingredients. Dad eats everything. I don't cope well with dairy or gluten. Meals for him or both of us would be great. If you can help I'd love to hear from you. Thanks so much.

Tareas domésticas #cooking

Truck, or car and trailer.
Demanda grupal

To transport cow manure to a garden.

Tareas domésticas #gardening

Garden Rovers - working bees at gardens
Demanda grupal

The Garden Rovers is a team of people who meet regularly to blitz someone's garden. We help with whatever chores need to be done, and have a fun time doing it. No experience necessary, in fact you can learn on the go. Please contact us to register interest in either helping or putting your garden up to be blitzed - or just a wee bit of help needed. Currently operating in the Kerikeri/Waipapa/Waimate North areas but will do other areas as interest dictates.

Tareas domésticas gardening working bees

Kerikeri - Gardeners / Help in Garden needed

Doesn't have to be an experienced gardener... But we urgently need a couple of helping hands in our gardens. You'll have seen our gardens each time you see the Bush School facebook ads or the SerenidipiDay photos or Transition Town's Māra Tui photos, so you'll know how beautiful our farm and gardens are. We look forward to hearing from you soon, email or best is a txt or phone call. Cheers, Marty

Tareas domésticas gardening community garden farming Help

Weeding & Pruning help in Waipapa

I have a large property just north of Waipapa where we have the PHA Wellness Hub and my home. I'd love some help getting on top of the weeds and growth. I also need to do some mulching, or perhaps you have a better idea to suppress weeds. Please get in touch if you're able to assist.

Tareas domésticas Garden gardening Help At Home

Kaitaia - Help needed installing a greywater system
Demanda grupal

We already have the greywater system but need help and knowledge to connect it to our property and current water system. We want to utilise the greywater from our house for our gardens and orchid.

Tareas domésticas kaitaia Special Projects

Bricolatge- Reparacions

Tornar a tapar la cisterna del vàter. Arreglar la cisterna de l'altre vàter

Tareas domésticas Bricolage

Birds' nests removal

I have a 2 storied house where the birds love making nests in the corners. I need to get rid of them either from the outside, which is high in places, or from within the roofspace. I can't get up there because of my injured hip. Please help as they are getting a bit smelly! Michelle phone 0274160625

Tareas domésticas birds nests

Hawera; Garden help needed

Need to get my garden spring ready! Wanting to maximise my vege garden to help with TTB Kai Resilience work :) Needs general tidy up, weeding, seedlings to plant out, broad beans to stake etc So much to do I’d love a helping hand! Also welcome any general garden advice on setup, plantings, rotation etc

Tareas domésticas Garden Garden Mahi Hawera Kai Resilience

Hawera; Garden help wanted

I’m not much of a gardener and my back doesn’t thank me when I try! Have some big weeds that need to be pulled, a pile of branches that need cutting up and some light pruning. I have all the tools avail and would appreciate your help

Tareas domésticas Hawera Garden pruning

Hawera; Pruning Jobs

Anyone keen on some pruning jobs? I’ve got a few things that could do with a cutback including a large rose bush, couple branches to remove from feijoa tree & one other big tree. I’ve got the the tools, handsaw, pruning shears etc.

Tareas domésticas Garden pruning Hawera

Bricolatge o maneniment doméstic

Tinc una porta d'un armari que va caure fa temps i necessito algú que tingui traça per possar-la. Moltes gràcies

Tareas domésticas Fusta


Puntualmente demando. Electricista y Fontanero.

Tareas domésticas

Demanda grupal

Tinc interés en tallers de manualitats i consells de la vida diària

Tareas domésticas manualitats TALLER ARTESANAL art

Agapanthus is the enemy
Demanda grupal

Has anyone or two got the muscle power to dig up an agapanthus? If you like it you can even keep it!

Tareas domésticas #gardening Special Projects

Windows and Ranch Sliders need cleaning

We need someone to clean our aluminium windows and ranch sliders please. - we are both in our 80s and I am a wheelchair user.

Tareas domésticas Help at Home Housekeeping / Chores

Desencallar porta corredera d'armari

Necessito algú que m'ajudi a desencallar una porta d'armari corredera. Potser s'ha malmès alguna cosa perquè no hi ha manera de posar-la al riell

Tareas domésticas bricolatge