Suport coneixements hostaleria
Assessorament en l'ofici de cambrer per a persones joves amb risc d'exclusió laboral.
Assessorament en l'ofici de cambrer per a persones joves amb risc d'exclusió laboral.
Puc ajudar i aconsellar en temes d'agricultura ecològica , horts i podes.
I recently attended the Women Revolutionising Housing Retreat in Tauhara early June and while there I came across an organisation called Living Economies, they support a number of things including timebanking, co-operative savings pools, co-operatives in general and social enterprise. I am interested in starting a Co-Operative Savings pool in the Whakapara/nearby suburbs area - get in touch if you are interested! Here is a link with more information :) Living Economies :: Reciprocity
Typing of all types of documents with the option of editing and printing . Confidentiality assured.
Beautiful 3-page website for you. Equivalent to 10 hours of work. I’m based in Methven. I can go to your place for additional 0.73cents/kilometre for petrol costs. Hosting and domain fees at your own cost if you want it personalised, otherwise, no need to pay for hosting :)
Mitjançant la teva firma galàctica del Sincronari de 13 llunes Maia, pots saber quines energies tens i et son propicies en la teva vida actual. Conèixes a un mateix és imprescindible per ser feliç. Viu conscient de la teva essència!!!
I can offer to do work or training in Excel spreadsheets and basic bookkeeping, set up simple DIY bookkeeping for small business, hobbies, etc. I can also type letters etc. 40 years experience.
I am an intermediate to advanced Excel user and happy to help if you need something more advanced (macros, vba, etc) or just a bit of guidance
If you need an Access database developed, I would be happy to help
Can help with basic setup, data entry, proofreading/editing etc. Based near Kaponga but can travel to Hawera, Stratford or Opunake surrounds.
Happy to help with small one-off tasks, or chat about ongoing projects. Typing (from hand written notes or dictations), proof-reading, editing, helping to coordinate/set up projects. I work shiftwork so it's tricky to commit to consistent timings, but happy to have a chat and see what I can help with :)
Técnica que ayuda a las personas a conocerse a sí mismos
Asessoro i ajudo a planificar un hort, tan gran com petit Assessorament sobre plantes aromàtiques
Si vols una informació inicial d'algun impost del qual tingui competència l'Agencia Tributaria de Catalunya com ara successions, donacions o compres d'immobles de segona mà podem veure plegades per on cal començar.
Office. Ayuda a manejar la banca electrónica, pedir citas online, manejo del móvil
Orientació de les averies dels vehicles que no siguin darreres generacions