
Garden design suggestions.

Backyard more functional than beautiful. Would appreciate some advice. :)


Manure Collection

Our Community Maara needs manure. At the Hawera A&P Showgrounds there are large piles of manure near the horse stables area. Manure can be collected here for free. Please deliver to the Community Garden, 101 Collins Street. We have a drive-through drop-off point and a bin labelled 'Manure'.

Otros gardening Hawera


Esporàdicament necessito algú que m´ajudi en el cuidado del jardí

Otros jardineria


Ajut informàtic

Otros informàtica


Tinc una màquina de cosir i m´agradaria aprendre a fer-la servir


cardboard - Kaitaia/Kerikeri

Looking for large quantity of cardboard to help with mulching our trees. Happy to pick up in Kaitaia surrounds or Kerikeri. Thanks!


Waste Warriors for Sustainable Taranaki

We’re looking for volunteers to help us out with: 🎉 Zero Waste Events 🧑‍🌾 Community Gardens 🌿 Nature Clean-ups ♻️ Recycling 🌏 Education & Community Events like Earth Day, Plastic Free July, World Clean-up Day etc. 🥕 Composting and Gardening (including the Sustainable Backyards Trail) Become part of a fun community that is helping to make Taranaki more liveable! Sustainable Taranaki will provide you with: relevant learning materials and training opportunities. a safe and friendly volunteering environment. communications about training, events and Sustainable Taranaki projects. social opportunities for volunteers to enjoy. acknowledgment and recognition of your contribution to the organisation. a developing rewards programme. work experience and a verbal reference. opportunities to up-skill within your volunteer role and commitment. As a volunteer, we ask that you be an engaged and compassionate volunteer from sharing skills and experience to attending trainings, events and helping with Sustainable Taranaki's projects. To volunteer for us please fill out the volunteer registration form found on our website

Otros gardening Garden Help our Organisation Education Events Community Activities Clean-up / Recycling

Ayuda en mi huerto

Si te apetece de pasar tiempo en el campo afuera de Tarifa, contactame por Telegram o whatsapp para venir! Hay siempre algo que hacer en mi huerto: cortar el césped, regar, areglar vallas, limpiar, etc.

Otros Jardinería Jardín


our property is rather large. Many gardening jobs, big and small, depending on your capabilities and interest.

Otros Gardening

looking for a Lino Layer

I've got the Lino and the glue...just need someone to come lay it in a small kitchen and bathroom - around 16M2 all up. 15 mins from Hikurangi

Otros building flooring vinyl

Instal·lar plat de dutxa i altres

Hola. Necessito alguna persona que tingui coneixements per Instal·lar un plat de dutxa i/o també col·locar unes portes en un pis. El material ja el tenim. Gràcies!

Otros fontanero reparacions

Make draught stoppers

Would you like to help people in our community experiencing energy hardship? Those who are struggling to heat their homes or pay their bills? We are looking for people to make draught stoppers that we will give away to homes that need it, as part of our Warm for Winter project with EA Networks. We can provide you with some draught stopper bags to stuff. Something to do with the kids or in front of the telly! This is a great opportunity to upcycle things otherwise destined for landfill, earn some time credits and help local people in the community stay warm!

Otros #upcycling #sewing #communityproject #zerowaste

bambú o otras plantas ...

Si tienes esquejes y brotes de bambú, me interesan. Si tienes alguna otra planta que crezca en exceso también me puede interesar un intercambio. Puedo ofrecer tiempo o podemos hacer un intercambio de plantas.

Otros plantas

Solicito demanda para limpieza de tablet

Al entrar en mi tablet pulso en una aplicación y al momento se sale sola e llamado a una tienda de chinos pero me cobran bastante y prefiero hacerlo por aquí. Muchas gracias.

Otros Tablet


Bon dia. Alguna persona que pugui desbrossar-nos part de la parcela? Gràcies

Otros Hort i jardí

Aprendre a soldar elèctrica

Tinc un aparell de soldadura elèctrica inverter, però les soldadures no em queden gaire bé. Voldria aprendre`n.

Otros Soldar ,soldadura elèctrica

TimeOverflow - Equipo de desarrollo / Development Team

Si puedes echar una mano en el desarrollo de TimeOverflow habla conmigo para unirte al equipo

Otros TimeOverflow Software Development


Need help to maintain our big garden with weeding. It will probably take around 5 hours total to do it all. I have a big section !! :) :)

Otros Garden


Necesito ayuda para pequeñas reparaciones caseras



Demano amistat de manera recíproca

Otros Bennestar


Otros xerrades


Otros jardineria


Otros llar

Espacio para trabajar con enchufe / punto de luz


Pulsera de fantasía

Es una pulsera sin valor económico y si sentimental, se me a soltado la goma que une las bolitas, si alguien puede recuperarla, muchas gracias
