
Hawera; Sorting clothing

I need help sorting my back store room of clothing for sale. Everything’s on hangers and has a numbered tag. Mostly in order already just need to put away some items into numerical order.

Tareas domésticas Organising Sorting Hawera

Ōakurā: Garden help

I loaded the farm trailer with garden prunings before the rain and it has become too heavy to lift onto the quad bike. Need help lifting it and emptying onto bonfire pile in the wee paddock

Tareas domésticas Garden

Bricolatge o maneniment doméstic

Necessito algún manetes que em pugui posar una porta d'un armari petit que va caure.

Tareas domésticas


Puc necessitar ajuda en petites reparacions a casa meva

Tareas domésticas bricolatge petites reparacions a la llar


esporadicament puc necessitar petites reparacions a casa meva

Tareas domésticas bricolatge petites reparacions a la llar


Voldria demanar,puntualment, petites reparacions a casa meva

Tareas domésticas petites reparacions a la llar bricolatge


Puc necessitar, esporadicament, ajut a casa en petites reparacions i jardineria de la meva terrassa.

Tareas domésticas terrasa bricolatge petites reparacions a la llar jardineria


Petites reparacions a la llar

Tareas domésticas bricolatge petites reparacions a la llar

Whangarei can anyone help fix a leaky tap?

My kitchen tap is dripping, it is not an old tap so not just a tap washer. Is anyone able to help with this?

Tareas domésticas

Whangaroa- Kerikeri - Garden help at home

I'm after a little help in the garden at home please! There's always something to do, I've got established orchards and herbs, raised vege beds, a glasshouse with seedlings on a 17 acre property. After someone with a little strength for the heavy tasks I can't manage, and also knowledge about plants would be great. Helping with pruning and digging and tidying around the place.   Tuesdays and Thursdays in the mornings would be awesome, for a couple of hours. Please contact to discuss further.

Tareas domésticas Help at Home Garden

Whangarei - Staple up reflective insulation barrier in crawlspaces

Hello, I have reflective barrier to help with insulation and moisture.  I was planning to do it myself, but I've had recent issues with my back.  I was going to do some in the attic crawlspace (this just needs to be laid out on top of the insulation.  The more time-consuming will be under the house to staple it up onto the floor joists.  This is hopefully going to reduce moisture issues and improve comfort.  Both are just uncomfortable and awkward in the best of times.  With having some back issues it feels impossible.

Tareas domésticas Help at Home


Vdria rebra consells de cuina o classes, en general

Tareas domésticas llar cuina classes receptes


Esporadicament, necessito ajut a llar per a petites reparacions.

Tareas domésticas tasques domèstiques manualitats llar bricolatge

Manitas, para arreglar unas cuantas cosas en casa.

Necesito alguien que pueda arreglar un grifo, colgar un cuadro, arreglar un enchufe. Si hay alguien manitas por aquí, genial!!!

Tareas domésticas

Tasques domèstiques

M'agaradaria rebre ajuda en tasques de jardineria.

Tareas domésticas jardineria tasques domèstiques

Tasques domèstiques

Necessito ajuda amb arranjaments de roba.

Tareas domésticas Roba Arranjaments tasques domèstiques


De manera puntual, puc necessitar petites reparacions a la meva llar.

Tareas domésticas bricolatge


Pequeños arreglos en prendas de vestir

Tareas domésticas costura

Un profesional de fusta

Necesito instalar las manetas en las puertas. Para eso se solicita un profesional de fusteria. También un profesional para pintar paredes y techo.

Tareas domésticas fusteria pintura

Manteniment casa

Necessito alguna persona que sàpiga canviar una aixeta de la cuina. Gràcies

Tareas domésticas

Ayuda traslado

Necesito ayuda para el traslado para el 20 de agosto de 2023, para mover unos muebles

Tareas domésticas traslado

Cosir roba

Necessito algú que em pugui cosir roba i fer arranjaments.

Tareas domésticas sastre/modista


Necessito servei de neteja i servei de neteja energètica de la casa.

Tareas domésticas neteja neteja energètica

Mulch and Seeweed
Demanda grupal

We are ongoing looking for untreated mulching material for our veggie garden like sawdust, wood shavings, leaf litter and seaweed. If anyone has time to collect or have spare - please get in touch via email. Dont have Cellphone coverage from Home. Thank you! Also happy to pick up from Kerikeri. Happy to give 1hour time exchange for a full bag.

Tareas domésticas Garden Mulch Seaweed

Configurar repetidors internet

Tenim fibra a casa però no ens funcionen correctament els repetidors pel WiFi, si saps com arreglar-ho m'aniria molt bé!

Tareas domésticas Internet Configurar wifi