Demandas pruning

Bamboo Stakes for Tomato Plants

The St Mary's Community Garden has lots of tomato plants in the ground and we are on the lookout for some garden stakes. A bundle of bamboo stakes (old or newly cut), please deliver to the community garden.

Otros Garden pruning

Hawera; Garden help wanted

I’m not much of a gardener and my back doesn’t thank me when I try! Have some big weeds that need to be pulled, a pile of branches that need cutting up and some light pruning. I have all the tools avail and would appreciate your help

Tareas domésticas Hawera Garden pruning

Hawera; Pruning Jobs

Anyone keen on some pruning jobs? I’ve got a few things that could do with a cutback including a large rose bush, couple branches to remove from feijoa tree & one other big tree. I’ve got the the tools, handsaw, pruning shears etc.

Tareas domésticas Garden pruning Hawera

Tree Pruning, Manaia

My section has quite a few trees that need trimming. So if you have a chainsaw and like pruning trees, I need you. I do have bow saws in various sizes, so a chainsaw would be great but not necessary. There is also a mulcher available to deal with the prunings. Bridgette, 021 084 33438.

Tareas domésticas trees pruning chainsaw bow saws mulcher