
Bricolatge de la llar

M'acabo de mudar de pis fa poc, no sóc gaire manetes i necessito una mica de tot: penjar prestatges i cortines, organitzar cablejat i reparacions diverses.

Tareas domésticas bricolatge

reparar aixeta

tinc una aixeta antiga que perd aigua. Algú la podria reparar?

Tareas domésticas reparació


Tinc un tro de terra i voldria fer una mica d'Horta, sí algú li agrada, m'agradaria poder compartir

Tareas domésticas plantes

Small Building project help

Someone to help build bathtub frame and lid for worm farm bath. I have the bath and some wood and tin for the roof....and a vague idea of what I'd like....not so good at the building bit....

Tareas domésticas

Computer repair

Acer touch screen computer needs repair. Doesn't start.

Tareas domésticas Help at Home


Necesito pintar. Sería cómo una habitación.

Tareas domésticas

TOM Hāwera - Garden Help to prune trees in small backyard in town

Variety of trees needing to be pruned. Will require a chainsaw and tools. Ladder supplied. Prunings to be left onsite, would love these to be mulched for my garden.

Tareas domésticas Help at Home Hāwera Garden

Netejar una finestra alta

Tinc una finestra alta i llarga però curta que s'ha de netejar amb escala i per problemes de mobilitat no ho puc fer.

Tareas domésticas Neteja

Kerikeri/Waipapa - Helping Hands needed - And a planner/coordinator

Hi, I just wrote a blog post about putting together a 'helping team' for the next few months (TBC) These times are where our Timebank community can step up and help each other - with a whole lot of Timecredits to be earned. As you'll see in the blog post we'll be looking at Saturdays/Sundays and help around house and garden to upkeep Di's home. Message, email, txt me if you can help. Thank you.

Tareas domésticas gardening Help At Home other

instalar aire acondicionat

Hola bones. Necessito algú que tingui coneixements per poder ajudar-me a instal·lar un aire condicionat. Tinc el aparell i els materials. Contactar amb Mercè per wtz 695 48 28 18. Moltes gràcies

Tareas domésticas

Ajuda amb pintura o bricolatge

Alguna vegada puc necessitar cop de ma amb pintura a casa o algún tema de bricolatge.

Tareas domésticas

Demanda grupal

Look for some people to help me pull some weeds around home Please and thank you

Tareas domésticas

Neteja sala polivalent

Necessitem una persona que pugui netejar la sala polivalent de la Clau cada 15 dies. Si ens pots ajudar, sis plau contacta amb en Carles al telf: 636 306 460 Gràcies!

Tareas domésticas

Minor electrical work needed - NP based
Demanda grupal

Hi, are there any available qualified electricians free to help me in the next month? I want some old lights removed in a bathroom & dining room and looking at installing a new light, an LED mirror and single heat lamp. Please contact with any questions, cheers!

Tareas domésticas New Plymouth Electrical Help at Home


Necessito persona un cop al mes per fer neteja de cuina i bany

Tareas domésticas Neteja

Dargaville - Fruit Tree Pruning assistance

Our newly established Kumarani Community Garden in Dargaville has 3 grafted heritage fruit trees in poor condition. We recognise that these trees are in their twilight years but would like to think that with some tlc they may be gracing our space for several more years. If you're out of town but have the skills we can send photos for your perusal. Many thanks.

Tareas domésticas Gardening Pruning Kaipara

Moure algo pesat

Potser en algun moment puc necessitar ajuda per moure alguna cost pesada.

Tareas domésticas Transport

Arreglar cinta de la persiana

Fa temps que la cinta d'una persiana està fluixa i no funciona correctament. Sabries canviar-la/arreglar-la?

Tareas domésticas bricolatge reparació assesorament


Tareas domésticas

Kaitaia - Fruit tree grafting tutoring

HI I have a few citrus rootstock and an old navel orange tree which I would like to graft. I have tried myself unsuccessfully and would love some assistance to get it right.

Tareas domésticas grafting Pruning tutoring

Whangarei:- Gardening
Demanda grupal

Sorting out Banana plants Help needed in garden. Clearing fish pond. Clearing weeds down garden . Bit of pruning

Tareas domésticas Whangārei gardening Clean-up / Recycling

Demanda grupal

Solicito a quien ofrezca pintar que pinte el salón de casa Gracias

Tareas domésticas

Neteja de vidres i persiana.

Necesito neteja a casa. No puc fer esforços per malaltia. Agrairia ajuda. Visc a Cassà i pago gasto de gasolina. Gràcies

Tareas domésticas

Kaitaia- Gardening companion

My neighbour, Te Mana Oranga, has some moth plant in a hedge that needs to come out. I haven't been able to face this on my own. It will stay where it is if I don't sort it out...

Tareas domésticas


Pequeños arreglos

Tareas domésticas costura