
House cleaner

Hi .looking for sumone to do sum house cleaning would only be abowt 2 hrs a week in Opua area ' Time credits/ trade off

Help at Home

TOM New Plymouth - Assist with Cleaning Gutters on House, Equipment Supplied

Help to assist me with removing gutter whiskers, clearing weeds and debris from the gutters then placing whiskers back into the gutters. Based in New Plymouth

Help at Home Help at Home cleaning

window painting

I have a good size window all prepped and ready to paint if anyone is handy with a paint brush :)

Help at Home

Small building projects to do - near Kaitaia

Am wanting to work alongside someone in constructing a few wooden structures around home - 1) framing for grapevine which will also shade kitchen/living area 2) stand for 2x sml water tanks 3) steps Anyone keen?

Help at Home

Posar gespa artificial

Tinc una terrassa d 2,5 X 10m aprox i voldria posar gespa artificial. M'ajudes ?

Help at Home

Manuka Planting

Need help planting manuka in retired paddock. We've got another 150ish we need help getting in the ground. Maunu near the golf course.

Help at Home Plants & Produce Gardening Whangārei

col.locar una tira de leds

De nou. I que quedin ben fixats. La corrent arriba a lloc.

Help at Home llar treballsdelallar electricidad

Limpieza filtro del aire acondicionado

Necesito limpiar el filtro del aire acondicionado. Estoy zona Camp Nou

Help at Home llar reparacions Neteja

Neteja filtres aire condicionat

Necessito una persona que em faci la neteja dels filtres de l'aire condicionat, no ho sé fer.

Help at Home neteja


Help at Home



Help at Home

Whangarei - Need help installing a shade sail.

I just bought a 5x5 meter shade sail for my yard, but my ladder is too short to attach it to the side of my house. I could do with some help getting this thing set up. I am in Onerahi. Thanks!!!

Help at Home maintenance Whangārei

Canguro para cobayas

Tengo 2 cobayas en casa (Celrà). Se portan muy bien y las tengo muy mimadas. Quisiera saber si alguien las podría atender un par de semanas cuando me vaya de vacaciones fuera del país este verano (aún no tengo fecha). Sería pasar dos veces al día a darles comida y xuxes, rellenarles sus botellines de agua, limpiar su recinto una vez por semana y enviarme fotos.

Help at Home mascotas cobayas


Arreglos pequeños en casa

Help at Home

Bricolatge de la llar

M'acabo de mudar de pis fa poc, no sóc gaire manetes i necessito una mica de tot: penjar prestatges i cortines, organitzar cablejat i reparacions diverses.

Help at Home bricolatge

reparar aixeta

tinc una aixeta antiga que perd aigua. Algú la podria reparar?

Help at Home reparació


Tinc un tro de terra i voldria fer una mica d'Horta, sí algú li agrada, m'agradaria poder compartir

Help at Home plantes


Necesito pintar. Sería cómo una habitación.

Help at Home

Netejar una finestra alta

Tinc una finestra alta i llarga però curta que s'ha de netejar amb escala i per problemes de mobilitat no ho puc fer.

Help at Home Neteja

instalar aire acondicionat

Hola bones. Necessito algú que tingui coneixements per poder ajudar-me a instal·lar un aire condicionat. Tinc el aparell i els materials. Contactar amb Mercè per wtz 695 48 28 18. Moltes gràcies

Help at Home

Ajuda amb pintura o bricolatge

Alguna vegada puc necessitar cop de ma amb pintura a casa o algún tema de bricolatge.

Help at Home

Neteja sala polivalent

Necessitem una persona que pugui netejar la sala polivalent de la Clau cada 15 dies. Si ens pots ajudar, sis plau contacta amb en Carles al telf: 636 306 460 Gràcies!

Help at Home

Minor electrical work needed - NP based
Group request

Hi, are there any available qualified electricians free to help me in the next month? I want some old lights removed in a bathroom & dining room and looking at installing a new light, an LED mirror and single heat lamp. Please contact with any questions, cheers!

Help at Home New Plymouth Electrical Help at Home


Necessito persona un cop al mes per fer neteja de cuina i bany

Help at Home Neteja

Dargaville - Fruit Tree Pruning assistance

Our newly established Kumarani Community Garden in Dargaville has 3 grafted heritage fruit trees in poor condition. We recognise that these trees are in their twilight years but would like to think that with some tlc they may be gracing our space for several more years. If you're out of town but have the skills we can send photos for your perusal. Many thanks.

Help at Home Gardening Pruning Kaipara