
Help trimming goat hoofs

Looking for someone with experience trimming goat hoofs. I have two Nigerian Dwarf goats (which aren't very dwarf) and a milk stand to hold them for trimming. Still it's difficult to do alone. I'm in Oakura.

Help at Home Help at Home Animal Care

Eucalyptus branches - Can pick up anywhere

Kia ora, I am looking for some eucalyptus branches to use to make a small structure - probably about 4 metres long, and looking for about 10 branches! We would also like a bag of the leaves if possible :) Let me know if you have some or know where we could find some!

Help at Home Help at Home

Hāwera: Garage Declutter

I will be moving home in the next 6 months and need to start sorting boxes in my garage - you know - the kind that are full of belongings that I did not part with when I moved in.  If you have a few hours to help sort things with me into keep/donate/upcycle and could help with delivery to Opp Shops perhaps, that would be SUPER helpful. I work from home so hours are flexible. Early evenings could work very well.  A sorting session would be a great excuse for a cool glass of Kombucha!

Help at Home Help at Home

Oakura: Tree trimmings for goats

If you are pruning feijoa, karo, lemonwood, bay, ficus I'd like small amounts of those cuttings to feed to my two goats as treats. I'm located in Oakura so near to me is best. Elayne

Help at Home Help at Home Garden Surplus Fruit / Veggie & Preserves

NP: Handy person for casual repairs fix ups etc

Looking for someone handy to fix little problems in rentals I manage, ongoing casual as needed basis.  Ideally someone who is able to turn their hand to a bit of building ? gib stopping ?? minor plumbing, Painting (for sure!!) maybe building a fence. Anyone out there keen to be a contact for me to call.  Would love to hear from you!

Help at Home Help at Home Carpentry / Construction Painting Plumbing

Manaia - Housework assistance needed.

Hi there. Housework assistance needed, no vacuuming required. Things like cleaning window sills, dusting, wiping skirting boards and clearing any spiderwebs. If you can assist me that would be GREAT. Ph Bridgette on 021 084 33438

Help at Home Help at Home Housekeeping / Chores

Arbonne product

Hi I recently started being an Arbonne consultant. I'm very excited about it. I would love to talk to you about the products. I can give you 30 min /1 h of your time to try on some product and make up with some cup of tea. We also have a nutrition program. Thanks.

Help at Home Help at Home Health & Wellbeing Hair & Beauty Diet & Nutrition

Gardener wanted ongoing

Eclectic Rock Garden. With Wildflowers. Mainly Grass and unwanted plants (weeds). Average an hour weekly. Every week or in blocks of time. Whalers Gate area.  

Help at Home Help at Home Garden

Garden weeding - Hawera

I would like help with my garden weeding of overgrown grass including in amongst my herbs.   Help would be great though and help with green house planting seeds propagation etc. Free plants and time given. Also clearing long grass.

Help at Home Help at Home Garden

NP: Garden help please

My small garden beds need some attention from time to time. It’s not arduous, and we can share the mahi. View my profile for contact details. I make a great cuppa and bikkies Cheers, Davey

Help at Home Help at Home Garden

Arreglar una làmpara

Necessito que m'arrangin una làmpada.

Help at Home reparacions llar


Help at Home llar


Algú que m´ajudi en els petits afers (reparacions) de la casa

Help at Home petites reparacions a la llar

Reparaciones del hogar

Help at Home

Hedge needs trimming

Looking for somebody who can help me trim my overgrown hedge, Dalmore area.

Help at Home Garden & Yard Work


Necessito ajuda a casa , quan tinc quelcom per arreglar.

Help at Home petites reparacions a la llar


Help at Home costura


Help at Home bricolage

Ayuda limpieza

Help at Home

Netejar i arreglar jardí

Necessito ajuda en el jardí per netejar fulles seques, treure males herbes, ordenar torratges, trasplantar plantes, plantar llavors, tirar brossa... I són benvinguts consells per millorar el jardí... tinc la gespa fatal... a part de seca... esclar. Visc a Centelles.

Help at Home


Reparacions variades com canvis de panys, petits arreglos per un abstractor de la cuina, electricitat etc

Help at Home bricolatge electricitat


Looking for help/company to cook with: A mentor of sorts to help me learn to cook economic nutritious and delicious vegetarian/vegan meals and snacks. If you love cooking for your family, or are also 'cooking for one'; I would love to join in and help you prepare your food, while learning and taking portions away to freeze. Happy to contribute ingredients! Can also provide the kitchen if you'd prefer to come to me rather than have me come to you.

Help at Home Help at Home Cooking Wellness Diet & Nutrition

Assessorament lampista

Tinc una màquina de filtratge d'aigua que em van donar però que no sé si és compatible amb la meva cuina. Busco algú que hi entengui i que em pugui assessorar i/o fer el muntatge.

Help at Home manetes lampisteria fontanería

Feineta domèstica

Hola, necessite algú que, si és possible, m'arregle el cable de l'assecador dels cabells, que fa mal contacte.

Help at Home


Necessito persona un cop al mes per fer neteja de cuina i bany.

Help at Home Neteja