
Ararata (Sth Taranaki): Digging out sheep pellets

I need help to dig out aged sheep pellets from a woolshed. Happy for the person to take 1/2 of what they dig out and the time taken up to 4 hours. Hope that makes sense. Of course open to negotiation :)

Help at Home gardening fertilizer manure Hawera Ararata

Wood chopping

I have a bit of wood that needs splitting and am not able to do it myself. Happy to give the person 1/2 of what is chopped. I have a good axe and safety glasses. Located in Ararata, but happy to transport you if within 25km.

Help at Home firewood Hawera Ararata

Reparaciones del hogar

Help at Home reparaciones hogar

Necessito ajuda per aprendre a endreçar i llençar

Em costa llençar, sempre he acumulat coses. Necessito buidar espai de casa meva per sentir-me millor i que deixi de fer-me vergonya que algú vingui a casa. M'adono que necessito ajuda perquè quan em poso a fer caixes per endreçar/llençar/donar... acabo amb caixes a mitges per tot arreu que no sé on posar i que acaben tornant als estants. A més, tinc dificultats de mobilitat, per la qual cosa es fa feixuc perquè no em puc ajupir gaire ni estar fent molts viatges per la casa o al traster... Tot plegat, se'm fa una muntanya i se m'ha acudit demanar ajut al banc del temps. Potser saps trucs per endreçar, o em podries ajudar a col.locar la roba al canapè de sota el llit, o simplement donar-me conversa perquè passi més lleugera l'estona hehe.

Help at Home Endreçar armaris ordenar Assessorament sobre la neteja Neteja domèstica Organitzar armaris Conversar Acompanyament a persones amb falta de mobilitat


Tècnic en reparacions domèstiques

Help at Home llar


Help at Home bricolatge


Help at Home jardineria


Arreglos de la llar

Help at Home llar

Seeking House Cleaner :)

We are looking for someone in the Hurford Omata area to help clean our home. Basic cleaning like windows, surfaces + vacuuming. Thank you.

Help at Home cleaning Housekeeping / Chores

sliding door windows

Hi I would love to have my windows cleaned in my lounge, let me know if this is you

Help at Home Help at Home


Could you help me with one or more of my sewing/ mending jobs? I have quite new socks that need fixing at the back heel seam, jeans that need patching and a small bag from a game that needs sewing across it.

Help at Home #sewing #mending

Cleaner New Plymouth

Can be casual as required and as available. Would love to have someone to do a small house clean every so often. Hoping there is someone out there. Look forward to hearing from you :-)

Help at Home House clean cleaning Housekeeping / Chores Help at Home

Reparaciones del hogar

Help at Home bricolaje

Arreglos hogar

Help at Home bricolaje

Gardening help

I have a large garden and struggling to keep on top of the weeds etc. Unfortunately we live in Westerfield, 20kms out of Tinwald, which may put helpers off, but I can help with petrol costs and you will be rewarded with beautiful scenery and my fridge is always full with refreshments. I'm so desperate I will award double time credits. 

Help at Home Help at Home Garden


Help at Home llar


principalmente fontaneria y carpinteria

Help at Home llar

House and pet sitting

Available to house sit and pet sit. Message for more info.

Help at Home Help at Home Animal Care

house sitter

Hi, Diane Candy requires a house sitter first week in July till mid September.  For details contact Diane. 021 0298 9945  

Help at Home Help at Home Housekeeping / Chores


I have moved to a nice place with a beautiful garden. I am not coping, please help :) 

Help at Home Help at Home Housekeeping / Chores Garden Garden advice

Indoor Plants

If you have extra indoor plants, I would love to have them :) 

Help at Home Help at Home

Pruning 1 plum tree and 1 peach

We have a plum tree and a peach tree in our backyard and would be nice to have them pruned ( I am not sure when is the best time to do this though) 

Help at Home Help at Home Garden


This one is still active.   I would like to request if you could include a family of 3 (myself and my twin nearly 14-year-olds for your cooking. I will of course pay for the ingredients. We eat pretty much everything :) I feel like I cook the same food and would be nice to have something different. I am also very busy and it would be nice to have some cooked meals. I can pick up at your place.   P.S. This would be an ongoing thing, so perhaps, if you could please choose a day that you will cook for us every week, that would be ideal. Otherwise, one-time cooking is also welcome 

Help at Home Help at Home Food / Drink

Help with house cleaning and tidying

I need help to sort out clothes and general cleaning :)  I will also cook us a good lunch, even just help for a couple of hours. This will be an ongoing weekly thing. If you live some distance away, I am happy to also cover some of your fuel costs, which we can discuss before you come over. Please volunteer for this :)   

Help at Home Help at Home Housekeeping / Chores

Help trimming goat hoofs

Looking for someone with experience trimming goat hoofs. I have two Nigerian Dwarf goats (which aren't very dwarf) and a milk stand to hold them for trimming. Still it's difficult to do alone. I'm in Oakura.

Help at Home Help at Home Animal Care