
Waverley - Handy person help

I have an extendable clothesline I need assistance to put up. Involves attaching unit to exterior wall and digging a post hole for washing line pole.

Tareas domésticas Handy person Building Dig a post hole


Vull demanar , esporadicament, ajuda a la llar, jardí

Tareas domésticas jardineria bricolatge


Voldria, esporadicamet, que em fessin petits arranjaments de roba

Tareas domésticas COSTURA Roba Arranjaments


Tareas domésticas bricolatge


Que m'ensenyin o que em cuinin directament 😇

Tareas domésticas

instalar aire acondicionat., hotel rural sant martí de montnegre ca l'aualdell

caldria monstar un aire acondicional. tinc tots el estirs sols cal montar-lo. si algú pot li estaré molt agraç¨t amb esmorzar o dinar tipics de l'hotel rural. Moltes mercès

Tareas domésticas

Kaitaia - help limbing a big tree

I have a tree with branches overhanging our property and would like them trimming back. Its a biggish tree needs a chainsaw. Text is best way to contact us.

Tareas domésticas Garden


Necessito esporadicament, pertites reparacions a la meva llar

Tareas domésticas


Esporadicament, puc necessitar ajud a la meva llar

Tareas domésticas bricolatge


Hola! Demano ajuda pel jardí, per desbroçar principalment. Tinc eines. gràcies. Sóc la Raquel de can Claramunt.

Tareas domésticas jardineria plantes manteniment

Tree Pruning, Manaia

My section has quite a few trees that need trimming. So if you have a chainsaw and like pruning trees, I need you. I do have bow saws in various sizes, so a chainsaw would be great but not necessary. There is also a mulcher available to deal with the prunings. Bridgette, 021 084 33438.

Tareas domésticas trees pruning chainsaw bow saws mulcher

Manaia, Car Valet

Kia ora. My poor car needs a clean inside and out. As I have trouble with my hands, it is not a task I can do myself. Your help would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance. Bridgette 021 084 33438

Tareas domésticas car valet clean polish vacuum

treballs doméstics

Tareas domésticas llar


Tinc interés en conéixer receptes de cuina vegetariana

Tareas domésticas cuina


Tareas domésticas bricolatge

Que em cuidin el gat de tant en tant

Tareas domésticas gats


Tareas domésticas jardineria


Gent!! Necesito un electricista. GRÀCIES! Comunique-per vía escrita per correo o wattsap vos

Tareas domésticas

Jardí i neteja

Tareas domésticas jardí neteja

garden maintenance
Demanda grupal

Hi we are looking for people to help get our large vege patch weeded, mulched and composted for dormant winter months. We have a buttercup and sheep sorrel invasion so it's going to need to be forked over. We are in waipapa, kerikeri.

Tareas domésticas Garden


Tareas domésticas costura


Tareas domésticas electricidad


Tareas domésticas ayuda mudanzas


Tareas domésticas costura

Organizar armario para guardar la ropa de invierno

Hola, Necesito ayuda para cambiar la ropa de temporada y guardar la ropa de invierno en los altillos, dispongo de escalera, me corre prisa gracias !

Tareas domésticas