
Treballs de paleta

treballs de paleta

Help at Home actividades paleta

Tree trimming

I would like a large tree trimmed at my house on Burnett st. I have a ladder you could use, secateurs and an electric chainsaw. I think it would take about an hour to trim it. Please text me if you can help.

Help at Home

Garden help

I need someone to weed at my house on Burnett St, Hampstead. I'd like to be there with you bit I can't do it myself due to my disability. Please text me if you can help for an hour or so.

Help at Home #gardening

Reparación del hogar

Pequeñas obras

Help at Home obras



Help at Home tasques domèstiques

Group request

Necesitat d un electricista i pintor GRÀCIES!! 🙏 Comuniqueu per via wattsap escrit (missatges) oh vía correo

Help at Home


Necesito un electricista, para poner unos enchufes en la cocina Yolanda del banco del tiempo.. gracias

Help at Home


Necesito una persona que me cuelgue un cabezal de cama y me cuelgue una lámparagracias

Help at Home


Someone to help clen up junk room after renovation as unable to do it by myself

Help at Home


Bon dia. Necessito posar un suport inclinable per a la tele, merci. Podeu contactar amb mi per whatsapp.

Help at Home

Trasllat de caixes de roba

Demano ajut per un trasllat de caixes de roba entre Taradell i Vic el dilluns 11/12, ja hi poso la furgoneta, em fa falta perque estic acabat d'operar de l'esquena i no puc fer esforços.

Help at Home trasllat caixes

Petits electrodomèstics

Hola! Tinc una torradora que no funciona bé. Algú té bones mans per arreglar-la? Crec que és quelcom senzill, però se n'ha de saber... Moltes gràcies!!

Help at Home reparcions. Electrodomèstics

Arranjament de roba

Help at Home costura


Help at Home bricolatge

Group request

Bona tarda, gent!! Necesito posar parquet a una habitació GRÀCIES!! Contesteu per escrit vía correo oh wattsap

Help at Home llar


Algú que entengui de plantes i em pugui ajudar amb un petit jardí que tinc a la terrassa

Help at Home flors plantes jardí

Ordenar armario

Categorías de ropa

Help at Home

Tareas de casa


Help at Home

Reparaciones domésticas

Help at Home pequeñas reparaciones domésticas


Puc necessitar algú per a fer qualsevol cosa a casa.

Help at Home bricolatge jardineria Arranjaments

window clean

Kia ora Just need the windows in my lounge and kitchen cleaned

Help at Home

Patio tidy up

Kia ora I have a patio area that needs a tidy up, not a big job just a pain to get done. Thanks Liz

Help at Home Outdoor tidy up

Kerikeri - Gardeners / Help in Garden needed

Doesn't have to be an experienced gardener... But we urgently need a couple of helping hands in our gardens. You'll have seen our gardens each time you see the Bush School facebook ads or the SerenidipiDay photos or Transition Town's Māra Tui photos, so you'll know how beautiful our farm and gardens are. We look forward to hearing from you soon, email or best is a txt or phone call. Cheers, Marty

Help at Home gardening community garden farming Help

Bricolatge- Reparacions

Tornar a tapar la cisterna del vàter. Arreglar la cisterna de l'altre vàter

Help at Home Bricolage

Birds' nests removal

I have a 2 storied house where the birds love making nests in the corners. I need to get rid of them either from the outside, which is high in places, or from within the roofspace. I can't get up there because of my injured hip. Please help as they are getting a bit smelly! Michelle phone 0274160625

Help at Home birds nests