Offers Work For Social Change

Make a donation to the Community Fund

If you'd like to make a donation to the Community Fund for participating in one of our social events, or donate surplus timecredits please use this Offer to record your exchange. The Community Fund is used to pay timecredits to members for giving service in the community where there isn't a timebank organisation or individual to pay the credits. These are usually one off events like beach/street clean-ups etc. If you are involved with regular community work such as volunteering for a group, organisation etc have a chat with your local coordinator about the possibilities of getting your group/organisation signed up as an organisational member of Tai Tokerau Timebank.

Community activities Community Activities Education Community Service Work For Social Change

Multi tasker

I have been living in Whangaroa and Bay of Islands for over 7 years, and have now made it my forever home. Full of natural beauty and a real community spirit. I offer myself, someone to go on meditation walks, a person to talk about their grand ideas and how they can manifest them. I teach you how to use Interactive drawing to listen to your subconscious, bringing out creativity,,and inspiration to problem-solving through life projects or setting up new initiatives I love growing healing herbs, making natural remedies, and offering energy healing. I like to volunteer in community events and initiatives, to meet new people with shared values and bring connection.

Health & Wellbeing Garden community garden Upcycling Arts / Crafts / Music herb garden resilience Community Activities Work For Social Change