Offers manaia

Manaia, tiles/ceramics for mosaics

Manaia - quite a few tiles and ceramics for mosaics. I can email you photos if would like, just contact me on 021 084 33438 or Take the lot for one timebank hour, Cheers.

Other manaia mosaics tiles Arts / Crafts

Manaia, Lemons

I have an abundance of lemons to share. One TimeBank hour per shopping bag. Bridgette 021 084 33438

Health & Wellbeing manaia lemons

Manaia. Use of wheelchair.

I have a lightweight wheelchair available to loan out. Folds up to pop in the car. More suitable for temporary measures as opposed to a heavy wheelchair with controls. Daily hire is three TimeBank hours. Want to know more? P. Bridgette 021 084 33438

Health & Wellbeing wheelchair manaia short term