

Tens una celebració i necessites mans a la cuina? Vols organitzar un aniversari i necessites que t'ajudi a preparar el menjar? Necessites que cuini per un grup de gent en un dia especial? M'encanta cuinar i fer-ho per molta gent. Compta amb mi !! Soc experta en fer paelles!!

Tareas domésticas cuina paella


Estic qualificat per a fer restauracions diverses

Tareas domésticas Restaurar mobles restauracions en general


Puc oferir petite reparacions per la casa

Tareas domésticas bricolatge petites reparacions a la llar

Wifi help

If you need help with your wifi I can help

Tareas domésticas wifi

Bricolaje doméstico

Pequeños arreglos domésticos. Ñapas de agua,calefacción y gas,depende de que índole, no me atrevo. No querría ser responsable de un desastre en casa de nadie.

Tareas domésticas bricolaje doméstico

Ordenar todo en tu hogar

Puedo ayudarte a tener un ambiente o casa ordenada, transmite una mayor sensación de bienestar y comodidad, además de influir positivamente en nuestros pensamientos y sentimientos..

Tareas domésticas


Puc fer treballs de costura

Tareas domésticas COSTURA cosir

Oferta grupal

Puc ensenyar a fer una tarta de formatge

Tareas domésticas cuina tarta formatge alimentació


Puc fer petites reparacions també en electrònica

Tareas domésticas electricitat bricolatge electrònica petites reparacions a la llar


Puc fer petites reparacions, inclós tema elèctric

Tareas domésticas bricolatge electricitat petites reparacions a la llar



Tareas domésticas cuina


cuina colombiana i espanyola

Tareas domésticas cuina


Puc anar a comprar, ajudar en tasques diverses com la neteja i varis NOMÉS puc els mesos d´hivern, el estiu NO puc

Tareas domésticas neteja llar


Arreglar mobles, persianes, portes. Panys lampisteria bàsica, fusteria

Tareas domésticas bricolatge petites reparacions a la llar


Puedo hacer pequeños arreglos de bricolage

Tareas domésticas tasques domèstiques llar bricolatge

Reparaciones sencillas de casa

Pequeños trabajos de bricolage, colgar un quadro, una lámpara, canviar fluorescentes o bombillas, etc.

Tareas domésticas bricolatge

Cosir i fer patrons

Tareas domésticas

Tasques domèstiques

M'ofereixo per fer petites reparacions de bricolatge.

Tareas domésticas petites reparacions a la llar

Tree removal

If you have a small tree that you don't want I can cut it down for you. Anything upto about 5m tall depending on location.

Tareas domésticas Garden

New Plymouth errands using my bike! :)

Kia ora! If you have some difficulties getting around town, I'm happy to run some errands for you with my bike! My only requirement is I have limited space on my front rack. I can pick up about a big shopping bag. It would be also ideal to pick up vegetarian friendly-food! :) Get in touch if I can help!

Tareas domésticas Cycling Errands / Shopping New Plymouth

Regar les plantes

Tareas domésticas plantes

Oferta grupal

Classes per aprendre a cuinar receptes vegetarianes.

Tareas domésticas salut Benestar classe cuina vegetariana

Waverley - Errands

Need something picked up or dropped off, I travel daily for work if you need anything in Whanganui.

Tareas domésticas Errands / Shopping pick up

Relief milking (hand milking or machine) for smallholders

I am happy to offer relief milking for those on lifestyle blocks or smallholders to allow weekend get-aways or short holidays. I have experience milking goats, sheep and cows.

Tareas domésticas

Interior Decorating on a Budget

I was professionally trained as a colour consultant and I love decorating interiors, based on the knowledge of the colour wheel and how colours interact with each other. I just love decorating and would love to help others. I moved to Rangiora 5 years ago, decorated my own home, and now have moved to another home in Pegasus which is a work-in-progress but it is coming along nicely. The colour schemes are based on a big paintings I have. I have saved costs on furnishings by recycling, repainting and buying second-hand. Colour, design and lighting should all work together. They highlight and complement each other. I believe in expressing yourself and your family and having the things you love around you, which may result in a very individual style; not necessarily a cookie-cutter modern style. It does not need to be static either. It can evolve as your family grows and develops and your lifestyle requirements change. So call me and we can have some fun exchanging ideas about colouring and decorating your home. Michelle

Tareas domésticas Help at Home